Neutral Auction House Cut Across Factions

Hey All,

I remember from playing back in the day that the Neutral AH took a big cut of your gold if you tried to send some from a horde character to an alliance character (for pve/rp servers where you can play both factions) but I don’t remember what the % is, doesn’t anyone know for classic?

I’ve tried looking it up but the numbers I saw were 15% and 30%. I thought it was closer to 50% or 40% but just can’t remember what classic/pre-bc % was.

15% it was. I remember clearly. It was 30% at first then in patch 3.3.3 they cut it to 15%.

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It’s more like 20% iirc. and its anything posted to the neutral AH, Bought by either faction. It is just their cut. Lot of mithril casings and such being sold on them.

Don’t forget Stranglethorn pages.

And I thought it was something absurd like 30%? Goblin’s gotta eat…