Netherportal - Demo

I like this idea more than the charge system that was suggested by Ingvaeonic, although I do see some use with charges on the Dread Stalkers. With there already being a CD reset power in Torghast and a free cast talent, charges on Dread Stalkers might work?

I also like the idea of turning Felguard into the AoE option and Tyrant into the ST option -> again mirroring Legion’s Infernal and Doom Guard design.

As for the CD on Nether Portal:

  • If it stays as a 3 minute Talent, I would love to see it baked into current Tyrant, where summoning Tyrant would also open NP to get more demons on field.

  • If Tyrant became a main pet, make Nether Portal a baseline 1.5 or 2 minute ability that would reload shards, allow movement while casting, and have demons spawn per shard spent.


I’d kinda want it tuned so that Tyrant is the St option while Felguard is the aoe option but that might just be being greedy.

I could see that, you’d also have a little bit of a range vs melee option, and more of a reason to switch pets mid fight.

EDIT: something else too, keeping the threat generator on Felguard but not on Tyrant. So running solo open-world prioritizes Felguard, pvp/dungeon/raid it’s a toss up on the situation.

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I could never use netherportal because it is so awkward and clunky (my experimentation in BFA lasted like 60 secs). When Torghast gave it to me as an extra epic power basically forcing me to use it again, it was deja vu awkwardness/clunkiness not even worth the mental real estate and distraction to try and set up from what I normally do even as an extra power…

Which is the main point of this thread.
What changes could be made to make it feel/work better?
CD change?

Nether portal really needs to be setup and forget, not requiring you to stand still while it’s up. Much less cast time, by at least 1s.

What if it lasted longer? Like total 30s, but all the summons originate at the portal and some requiring a relatively significant travel time. So more time on it, but on movement heavy fights might really tie you down.

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i think what was most awkward clunky was having to use a lot of shards with a cast time to set up a narrow window of time that would only generate demons with the expenditure of more shards that you have to spend more time to generate eating up the window. No shard cost to cast would be a step in the right direction to rectify preferably with an instant cast.

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I’d like that, insta cast and no shard cost. Though to counter act that might be 2.5 min cooldown territory.

…not the end of the world, all things considered…

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and desync it from most of our summon cooldowns? 2.5 doesn’t line up with anything else

True…what if it still had a shard cost with 2 min cooldown, but much like Hand of Guldan? On cast sucks up 1-3 soul shards and summons the same amount of demons it would have summoned if you spent those shards during the portal uptime?

The charge system i presented above fixes alot of these issues.
For instance, with charges you have on demand burst with little shard costs (charge be 1 or 2 shards), you can have a minor cd at 20 seconds which would restore 1 charge of each type of demon, giving you 2 chances to dumb extra shards during the 40 second portal.
It would allow the re-emergence of old blue as a tanking pet, but buff it baseline with 50% more health and better threat. This would allow the creation of a talent along the “pet” row which empowers him to have 100% more health, 25% more dmg, increased aoe threat and makes him 50% bigger. Make him a true tank pet for leveling and open world content. Give him tank cds.
Portal cd on 2-3 min cd to match with trinkets.
Charge cd on 20 sec cd
Have a mid range cd on 1 min cd that increases recovery rate of all ur demons special abilities bout 50%.
You can still keep many of the talents in the tree, but replace many that talents inthe pet row would buff either tyrant, big blue, or even your felhunter. You could talent into more imps, or felguards, or puppies, depending on if you wanna do more aoe or single target, burst or more continuous dmg.
The portal should be big, a truly epic cd, when during the 40 seconds your dumping shards. You could even have it increase charge recovery rate so it feels faster.
Outside of the portal, you still have a valid rotation to follow. This is my biggest thing. I mean, there is alot of time your stuck burning demonbolt instant casts and just spamming hand. The charge system would remove that and you diverse and reasonable choices for shard use.

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This thread is going to make me go sit on a training dummy for entirely too long with NP spec to work out ideas.

exactly, lol.

But, you could also make the portal proc 50% faster if you have less than [x] number demons to help with those lust periods in the beginning of fights, however, they would spawn more lesser demons but during excute phases were you have many demons up already, the proc chance would be baseline but would have a higher chance to summon greater demons like tyrants n such. sooooo much can be done with it.

It could be a passive, each time we summon a demon, opens a portal with a random extra one. Honestly, I only want a talent in last row that makes or damage good outside tyrant windows


Nether Portal just needs to be massively buffed. Stat-wise it should be the strongest choice for raw burst damage when you consider uptimes of each talent:

Sacrificed Souls should be the weakest increase because it has a 100% uptime that is always active, thus you can leverage it 100% of the time.

Demonic Consumption should be the midway point in power because it is tied to the 90 second cooldown on Demonic Tyrant which means it’s base uptime is once every 90s seconds of usage for 15s.

Nether Portal should have the strongest damage output of the 3 because it has a 3 minute cooldown (with no way to reduce it unlike DC) with a 15s window.

Something as simple as buffing the demons that get summoned or make them have say double scaling off your mastery might give it the power it needs to be competitive. I personally love NP regardless of viability because to me more demons = more fun.


Seems relevant to still be discussing NP years later SMH.

Here’s what I expect would be in theme and on point for a long CD burst talent.

5 Shard Cost.
Instant cast.
3min CD
Effects Last 15secs
Resets the duration of all active demons and imps.
Summons tyrant.
Summons All other Pet demons not currently active and activates any Talented demons if the talent is available. You get to see the whole Team kick a$$ together. They only do normal attacks no special abilities or threat gen.

Every 3mins we get brutal power overwhelming and to revel in demonic madness for 15secs of BS spike dps.

Then wait again. But it’d be glorious.

I use NP, it works fine if you know how to use it. Your no.3 point was its intended use in beta for Bfa, we even got the better animation of the hands that appear and tear the air to create the portal, someone decided that was too cool for us sadly.

If Tyrant is a pet then Felguard gets deleted since Demo is the only one that uses either.

And if they give Felguard to the other specs then we’ll rarely use Imp/Felhunter/Succ. If Felguard does less damage than those then you might as well remove Felguard.

Too many problems with our current demon lineup to make anything baseline. A talent would be possible but in that case I doubt they’d do it since they removed GoSup for Infernal/Doomguard pets.