<Nethermore> Weekend Guild LFM

< Nethermore >

We are an active weekend raiding guild (Friday/Saturday 7:00-11pm) in need of additional members to fill in our singular 25 man raid team. We are 18+, LGBTQ+ Friendly and are a semi-hardcore guild in the sense that we are all knowledgeable players who do our research and expect others to do the same. We have a stable foundation of members and officers who all raided together previously in Classic and have build a camaraderie with one another to ensure a sturdy, welcoming community that we are proud of.

Raid Times: Friday 7:00 - 11PM (Hard Out @ 11) Saturday 7:00 - 11PM (Hard Out @ 11) These times work great for the 9-5 day job folks that build the core of our raid team. Many of us have jobs/kids and we make do with the time we have. Raiders are expected to make both raid nights with regular attendance.

Progression: All P1 Content on Farm

Loot System: We use a pick 20 Wishlist system where all raiders submit a list of their desired upgrades ranked 1 (top priority) to 20 (lowest). When an item drops, the player with the item ranked highest is awarded the item. If there is a tie in priority, raiders will roll off. Lists are submitted once per content phase. This promotes raiders to research their gear ahead of time and allow members to have a better chance at getting the items they want sooner. All trial members will have a 1 - 2 week evaluation period in which they will be expected to attend raid without gear eligibility. This protects our current raiders and prevents high tier gear from walking out the door after trial period. This system is subject to change come P2, but will always be a wishlist system. Crafting patterns are loot counciled.

Expectations: Recruits are expected to be able to attend most of our Friday/Saturday raids. If you are unable to make both raid nights regularly, you will be ineligible for our raider position but still welcome to join as a social/part time member with opportunities to fill in for absences. We don’t punish people for needing time away but please just respect other peoples’ time by communicating availability to the best of your capabilities. Recruits will be expected to know their class and all boss fights. Ideal candidates will be looking to improve themselves week to week through available means.

Specific Recruitment Needs: -

Holy Paladin
Enhance Shaman

  • We have one full time roster spot available for a Holy Paladin and an enhance shaman.

Open Recruitment: If you are a casual player with deep knowledge of class and game mechanics and just want to chill with a fun group of people, with a schedule that makes it difficult for you to dedicate yourself to regular raids, we’d love to give you a home. You may not have a starter position in raids, but opportunities would still be available for DPS and Healers especially. Additionally, if you’re a relatively new player looking to learn more about your class and the game, we’re happy to help those who are willing to learn and improve week to week. We don’t mind being the stop gap for players looking for an eventual raid team with us or elsewhere.

If interested, whisper Puz /Cornkaiser in game. We do not use an application but we do subject those interested in joining to a small discord chat to determine if we’re a good fit. We hope to hear from you soon. discord.gg/SRBENesB

Still recruiting!

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Bump. As of 09/07/2021, We have spots open for

1 resto shaman or holy paladin

We are also looking to add 1-2 ranged dps to our roster

Elemental shaman