Netflix Avatar the Last Airbender (spoiler discussion (

Just finished watching this.

Though not nearly as bad as m night’s train wreck, I got to say I’m very disappointed.

Acting was too stiff, but perhaps it’s due to the bad dialog the actors were working with.

Waaaaaaaay too much exposition.

They gave katara’s intro to Kyoshi / gran gran

It’s okay for the NWT to be sexist but god forbid one of the main cast is.

Aang and katara had zero chemistry.

Turning cave of two lovers into sibling love instead of saving it for S2 to develop aang and katara’s romance

They mery Sued katara who can somehow become a master by herself. Literally pakku didn’t teach her anything, all she had was the stupid scroll and now she’s supposed to be aangs teacher WHILE THEIR STILL IN THE NWT, like why can’t pakku teach him???

Kyoshi stole roku’s possession scene.

They turned Roku into a clown.

The pacing was terrible.

Aang didn’t bend water a single time.

Aang and Co didn’t even learn about the return of the comet so there’s no longer a race against time and learning the elements.

I’m still digesting it and have many other critiques but overall, as a fan since 2005 I’m not happy and can see why the OG creators left the project.

Here’s to the earth bending avatar show and the gaang movie set to come out next year from avatar studios

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Wow, this show sounds like it was rushed to cash in the nostalgia of the OG animated series. This is like how live-action remakes of Disney animated classics were made to capitalize on nostalgia rather than develop new ideas for those movies.

I think people need to stop doing live-action remakes of cartoons if they keep being half-baked results.

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They ruined Iroh also. Instead of being a guiding father figure to everyone he is just a loser with nothing to say or teach. In the original series he was one of the humanizing figures for the fire nation so you could actually see them as people. He is soulless in this.

Aang has no joy in him; he is a dower pouter that boodyhoo’s about being the avatar and acts like a victim for being the avatar.

He lacks any optimism or personality that would make you think he would try and befriend anyone. Katara also shared quite a bit of that optimism in the original series has swapped to the bland “Stoic” female portrayal of a block of wood so she can be flawless.

Sokka is the only one that has a shred of what he was in the cartoon. They stiped his sarcasm and his sense of humor. While I can understand not crapping on him every scene, he was often the voice of the audience at many moments pointing out absurdity. Everything that happens with him is also a “tell, don’t show” moment.


I enjoyed it for what it was.

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I tried keeping an open mind, I really did. I expected changes to the story.

But the bad acting combined with stupid dialog and endless exposition was too much

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As someone who never watched the animated show, I thought this live action show was good.


You need to watch the cartoon like right now.

Watching this mediocre adaptation first is punishable by prison time without due process.

Watch it before.tbe police find out and see if you still have the same opinion

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lol. I will watch the animated show when I get the chance.

You have a week to watch at least season one before I report you.

Though you’ll feel compelled to binge the remaining two after finishing book 1. It’s science

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