sup Goober. Hit me up - formality#1896
Hey Alleron! Hit me up - formality#1896
Hey xwolf! Hit me up - formality#1896
ahh yea! thats what I like to hear!
we have a disco let me know if you want the info
Hey! I also know Suzycoo and Marsattacks! Looking for them! Suzycoo’s other character was Juststace. I think Marsattacks’ was Maryl. HMU. I’m on whitemane classic. Character name Ciddy. Human Pali. =]
Hounds from Hell, Carnage in Vanilla, Dinosaur, Divine Fury, Bacon Smugglers after.
Playing as me on Whitemane.
Kaladryn, rogue
Krendryn, warrior
in Disciples of Death and then Shadow Fire after that, I also played a lot solo…
On Whitemane as Kaladryn
(edit): I might be remembering this wrong, I think I was in Shadow Fire first on Kalaldryn, I remember being part of forming it. I remember meeting Snakeeyez in Tanaris when leveling my warrior and we became friends, then I joined DoD playing Krendryn. Yeah I think that’s right
Arianium add me on bnet!! Xiten#1628 !!
Rider - Hunter
Eurolwyn - Druid
The Silver Legion, The Bears of Oboo
Hey bud nice to see you again. We are over on whitemane.
aaaah private parts, i remember you
Snakeeyez! how many DoD are still kickin? might have to drop a character on whitemane for catchups
Noidej - Paladin
The Great Pug
Character: Flamingdeath, Gnome Warlock
Guild: Forseti
Shows the wrong character for current WoW… lol
So im on incendius ally playing a rogue named brupha come say hi!
make and alt and come chat!
I was in Sky and Blue Moon for a bit then Shadow Fire
Rhune - Carnage
Sup Dager!!! You playing classic? Hey Amer WTF is up bruh?! Hey there Chrysantha, How r u? Hey Roah!!! Sup Purples?!
Discord - Rhune Steihl (Seth-Man)#3933
All I am looking for is my buddy Laches, still remember him, good pvp mage. I used to fight against him from the alliance side. Good enemy’s sometimes make the best friends. Him and his dirty tricks, gggrrr.
Pecatti/Zerawin here. Welcome back to WoW if you’re still playing