The king is back.
Goobermint Night Elf Rogue
I want to play alliance again for my main rogue.
not sure what server to make a guy on yet.
Ended up on Bigglesworth now, I’m almost through cue!
Hey Ho,
Elija / Eios - Human Pally
Sera - NE Hunter
Flop - Dwarf Mage
I was in Carnage mainly. Funny seeing some old names here.
Nifol Human Warlock
Guild: Fellowship of Death
Im rolling on Grob l8r this week when the hype dies down.
Ya i know rp pvp… i had a lot of fun with the peeps there over the years.
goobermint I confused you for purples earlier
Trekten do you know a Smokecloud and a Naaruu at all?
Old friends used to raid with.
hehe. purples and were buds.
I made an alliance char Goober on fairbanks. nothing too permanent. but a fun start.
Hello There!
Warack here.
Human Mage.
Carnage and a few other guilds.
Good to see a few Carnage folks. Would love to see a few more. I see that Dagger posted further up. That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
Shinhiryuu Warrior Tank
Blood Bath and Beyond
Trini , Rob , Hagendaz
Mairex - Warlock
Shadow Prophecy
Local Defense
DoD Class Reunion up in this.
Syon - Night Elf Rogue
Disciples of Death, Carnage, Blue Moon
Crazy seeing all you fools again.
House of Science
literally any of ya’ll
Matheos here, Co-Leader of Red Hands. Looking for other members of Red Hands.
Looking for Alcoholic, Rockyy, Blackpariah, Potatoes, Darb, Sabby, JCWarrior, Grudgedoc, Archimonde
Hey Trinton do you remember a guild called Pure Mayhem, it was towards the end of Vanilla to TBC. I also remember Suzycoo and Marsattacks, as well do you remember Acidtears?
Udin - Human Paladin
also played as Mackeedoo - Human Mage in TBC
Looking for Jolly Rogers peeps.
Diana, Homewrecker, Seatoo, Rhal, Anzix
I made a human warrior, Udin on Whitemane. Please find me!
HOLY $$$$. BRANDON! ITS SPENCER. What server are you playing on?!
Kryptamine (Warlock) - Bareyn (Druid)
Blue Moon - Lost Anarchy
Hey Everyone!
Pyroillusion - Human Prot Warrior
I played with Natural Born Killers for several years. I know I was in other guilds too but I don’t know even remember them anymore.
I’m seeing a few names I recognize! I’m playing on Whitemane if anyone wants to say hi.
Ceneris - Hunter
Blue Moon - Can’t really remember any of the guilds before BM