Nerubian Catalyst Stone Bugged

I achieved 2.5k mythic plus rating earlier, used the nerubian catalyst stone, and got a random plate transmog but no extra appearances for any sets. Hoping this gets fixed soon and I gain my appearances.


If its like the previous stones, it’s only helm and shoulders and you need to have the base item to get the extra appearance.

I do have some of the base items and can confirm that i do not have the appearances

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realized i submitted this on my paladin rather than my dk haha

I am also seeing the same thing. I have heroic head, shoulders - used the item and they look exactly the same.

SAME HERE i got it 2500 today got the luminous nerubian catalyst stone then used it and it gave me a warrior tier helm tmog

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Received from 2500 M+ rating. Used it on my Shaman which has 4 of 5 heroic-track tier items (helm, shoulders, chest, legs). Only appearance I received was for a Warrior helm.

I recommend also submitting an in-game bug report.

Exact same thing happened to me, is it supposed to be like separate appearances?

Just chiming in here… I got it and redeemed the Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone and it just gave me a Warrior’s helmet… I’m a DH. :slight_smile:

I received a warrior helm as well. I am a DK. Did anyone figure this out?

Priest here, also got a warriors helm.

Just achieved this and was given a warrior helm appearance and nothing else…

Had this same issue where it randomly gave me the warrior helm after using. I logged out of my bnet completely and back in. This worked and i had the extra tier pieces (for pally i have 2 sets of tier shoulder and helm now, one with glow and one without)

Hope logging out and in of bnet works for others!

Interestingly, this also just worked for me. Thanks for sharing.

Note: Log out and exit WoW. Then, log out of the launcher, by clicking your profile in the top right, and choosing “Log Out” at the bottom of the menu.

I got the achievement today for a 2500+ M+ rating, and only received the Mage & Warrior appearance today as well (I am a Shaman).

Just got it, still an issue. Have the Rogue helm and shoulders in a couple of the color options, none of them received the effects. Only received the warrior helm appearance for the Normal mode tier set. My warrior doesn’t have any tier set appearances at all yet, so it was a bit odd to see it.

Reloading the game added at least a couple of the appearances. The shoulder ones for my Rogue are there. Doesn’t seem to work for everyone, according to some WoWHead comments. Still worth reporting as an issue.

Tried logging fully out of bnet no luck- consistently have the helm+shoulder effect on all alts, but non helm/shoulder effects weren’t given. I.E mage chest+gloves, priest chest+gloves, druid belt…prob few others but those are the only ones i checked.

is this still not fixed? got one helmet mog today

For anyone struggling with this. I had all xmogs open on my main but didn’t see alternatives. What fixed it for me getting new was getting shoulder appearance (my guess any tier xmog will work) on my alt that did not have one before.

Still bugged. Got some of the appearances, but not all.