Nerub-ar Palace Raid Finder 1 - Unable to get to to last boss

After defeating the second boss, you are able to get on the flight to a platform to kill an add, but thats it. Nothing sends you to the last boss, and we are unable to complete this LFR because we can’t access the last boss.

Edit: To clarify, when I say the last boss, I mean the last boss of wing 1 of LFR which is Sikran, Captain of the Sureki

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Same thing happened to my lfr group a few minutes ago

same issue

same issue here

same issue… queued into LFR at the last encounter and couldn’t get to the last boss platform. Had to leave and got the deserter debuff…

Same issue with multiple different queues. It’s clearly bugged for everyone right now.

Imagine testing your content before release.

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First queue I got had this bug, left, second group I joined also was stuck - I’ll try again Friday I think

I tried group was bugged no have deserter debuff. Yay

I don’t have a fix. Just reporting that this also happened to me in LFR.
Zebbi-Mal’Ganis at 1406 realm time.

Have been able to do the entire raid on my main character, when I tried with my alts, I’m beeing queued in raid stuck at the final boss because the flying mount does not spawn on the platform. My alts are stuck in queue in this raid. ‘The skittering Battlements’ LFR - Illidan at 15h00 PM EAST

Edit: Many people are joining this bugged raid stuck at the 3rd boss because of a mount, enjoying the 30mins cooldown forced to exit

I have another thread going with more reports of this. Just adding my report to this thread to hopefully get some official eyes on it. I’ve been looking forward to this and I’m so bummed.

Still happening as of today’s reset

Ditto 10char. :upside_down_face: