Nerub-ar Palace Hall of Fame is Full

I dunno, they wouldn’t have a plethora of addons assisting them in real life.

Pointless epeen stretching.

you probably wont be in your same guild next year, what does this matter

a title they will never use, unless it is to flex. Then they will change it back.

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such animosity for fellow gamers

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The only way I’d see them not put such a delay is if it was much easier to track where the hall of fame is at. Just waking up on reset day and knowing it’s full would trigger a bad reaction if I was that close to getting it.

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Oh no!


The bitterness towards raiders always makes me chuckle. People that spend the time to make thousands and thousands of forum posts having hate for people that spend time playing the game. Never change, wow forums people. :laughing: :heart:

There really is so much contempt for people who raid and do keys. Like, I don’t get it. :dracthyr_a1:

I have been in my current guild for 5 years, and the previous guild for 5 years before that.

You can easily track the hall of fame ostensibly filling up, not just through popular third party sites but the official blizzard page that auto-updates for the top 200 of each tier within an hour of the guild killing the boss. I assure you nobody was caught by surprise of the possibility of 200 guilds being in the Hall of Fame before this past reset.

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over 20 guilds have already had their first kill of ansurek this week - 100 is not outlandish.

well look at this

1/5 of the way there and its only day 2 of a seven day week.

I had no idea this was a thing people cared about. lol

Nerfed it so much that all you need is 20 people with a fully functioning brain to clear it. Problem is, theres maybe 1k people total with that in WoW.

It wasn’t full on Monday though. No guilds were racing a closing Hall of Fame last week because it wasn’t full yet.

What’s the best site to see who is in the HOF and who is CE (Cutting Edge)?

it was almost full, multiple guilds scheduled overtime raids or went into their normally scheduled raid monday night knowing there was a strong possibility it would hit 200

Why cry about it ?

In b4 the I’m an old mythic raiding guild leader.