Nerfs to the 11.0.7 Ring

Are the nerfs to the 11.0.7 ring going to be enough to where I can ignore the ring? Or is still going to be something we need to worry about?

Edit: Blizz just announced a buff to it x_x

They’ll probably forget to nerf something obscure that someone will figure out how to exploit for a minute

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Patch feature likely to be required for high level gameplay my guess.

It was already nerfed by 75% in PVP and is underwhelming or bad in PVE.

Even if is a 1% power increase, top players will minmax and the rest of the community will ctrl-c ctrl-v.

I mean if somebody wants to give up 5% vers/haste for a 0.8% dmg proc that’s a choice.

Okay and so what

Well, isn’t patch features the thing that’s suppose to get people excited to play the new patch?

No? It’s literally just alt catchup island v10 or something. The ring will probably get another 40-80% buff until it’s a 5-10% dmg buff in pve so people can finish up their keystone/raid goals as it’ll serve as a bit of a content nerf.

Idk if Dragonflight was before your time but they literally just did this in Crimson


You have to give it up to Blizz on this aspect. They have been quick to nerf pve item outliers or altogether pre nerf them before released on live.

I know you’re gna come back with, “what about that ring that was 3 ilvls higher than pvp gear in DF - that was bis!” And I’m going to explain in plain: that’s not the reason you were Hardstuck at x rating.

Haven’t pved since SL season 1. So u saying pvp will be stale as a opened 3 day old packet of crisps?

Dang what you been doin then

Been reading some of your posts in passing lately

One of my bigger regrets this week


The ring is so bad, it’s not even worth the time for PvE’rs to get.

And all the traits are nerfed 60-75% in PvP.

So yeah, ignore the ring whether you PvE or PvP!


What item are you people even talking about??

Nevermind. Just as I asked, someone posted it lol.

It’ll probably be worth grabbing in PVE because if it isn’t an upgrade over all the other rings then it’s just pointless so we’ll probably see another +50% buff or two.

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I think the only ones that want it in pve are the specs that can triple stack the mastery thing right. I think there’s only one non-mastery/stat gem worth using for some and it’s just a hot.

Blizz has 4 options.

  1. The ring is undertuned, everyone ignores it.
  2. The ring is a perfectly balanced sidegrade, everyone ignores it.
  3. The ring is a slight upgrade, which is laborious to get. Everyone ignores it.
  4. The ring is overtuned AF and a huge upgrade, everyone keeps subscribing and actually does the new content to get it.

We’re currently at 2. We’ll get to 4 for sure.

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Someone had to keep mrs. Tox happy.

Wb getting a real job :frowning: ?

If it is absolutely MAXED out in item level, AND has the perfect BiS gems in it, then yeah. It will be a slight upgrade. Not worth worrying about at all right now.