I really don’t care one way or the other, but based on the overwhelming number of boosted/new Warlocks I see rolling up for SL, Blizz is going to nuke the hell out of this class soon. They have to in order to balance out the population.
There has always been a lot of warlocks generally because its just all around a great class through all the expansions i am not noticing a big surge and i just got done lvling this one.
Affliction is always usually good at least in raiding content even if they get a bit of a nerf. Demo needs less ramp up time and more dps outside of tyrant. And destro always usually scales pretty well like affliction. Not too worried.
False, historically we’re in the 3 least played classes
Don’t really think it’s that overwhelming, just the usual X.0 FOTM types
FOTM jumpers = min/maxers though, that’s the problem. FOTM types will continue being a reality so long as culturally the notion that Optimizing™ includes “pick the best class this patch”.
They’re probably just all the warlocks that quit when Blizzard gutted affliction in BFA, and they’re coming back because it doesn’t look like an absolute dumpster fire this time around
This, at least for some I’m sure. I am still worried about affi in PvP though. The spec needs some help otherwise it’s going to be nothing but destro locks queuing all expansion.
I think they nerfed shard generation, limiting how many MR’s you can throw at someone for burst. I usually only get one extra shard during my Darkglare duration now. I used to get 3 or 4 additional shards.
I doubt that…lock was my main in Vanilla and BC and since then it’s always been my main alt…Locks will be fine and yea Affliction and Destro will be top dog, but honestly they’re easy to skrew up.
one class diehards (me, most warlocks I’d argue given we’re historically the 2nd or 3rd least played class in the game)
altaholics, whether for the sake of alts or because they’re just Aggressively Min/Max types that would even change class chasing the dps, people who change class per patch, or maintain 2 classes at any given moment and go through 4-5 classes at least per expansion as mains
love polygon, where you are “loyal” to 2 maybe 3 classes over the years
Majority of folks picking up warlock in preparation for SL is #2.
Lock was my main since BC. Didn’t play it in BFA due to hating all three specs. Affliction was just awful to play, and I’ve hated demo since the legion revamp. Was never into destro.
If I were to play SL, I would probably pick up (affliction) lock again. Still looks like a shadow of its former self (wrath to mop), but a big improvement over BFA.