Nerfing starsurge makes balance useless in pve. Give solutions instead of crying

Yup that’s a thing in vanilla. Like shadow priest’s mind blast. 8 sec CD.

Make wrath instant too

Then they nerfed all of that too. Hunters got all of their abilities nerfed and zero compensation for it.

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all thouse nerfs to hunters, and they still hold top spot in gnomer nuts

It’s crazy how quickly the community flips out-- Put resilience back into PvP and within a day everyone will hate Priests healing again.

I man a hunter and I dont wish anyone to be hunterized. It sucks and makes the class unfun. I am happy for the game genie builds/classes out there.

I hope that maybe some of the hunter nerf’s can be reversed so we can maybe do some damage like an ice mage

These same people were begging for the nerfs you experienced. They deserve the same treatment in return. No sympathy, nerf them into the ground.


In a vacuum, I kind of feel bad for the upcoming nerf balance will receive. But the behavior of the balance druids on these forums (and others) means most will be dunking on you when the nerf bat is swung in the next 48 hours. If you thought SS would stay in its current state that is a you problem.

As far as fixes, I would say bake the extra damage into their hard cast spells so they can keep their pve dps but not troll folks in PvP.

Keep your head up and carry on! Cheers!


It’s not fair a nerf for a nerf wouldnt bring back the power loss. again, I dont understand why people call for others being nerf’d in a PVE game. WoW should just remove pvp from it completely and everyone will scream for classes to get buffs!

my guild mate made fun of how OP i was in phase one, now after the 37th hunter nerf’d i cant do crap, now he makes fun of me for my pet dying right away (im full beast master with all points into my pet being more healther and tanker) and I die to stuff my level (while he plays a fire mage - able to pull 19 +3 level elites to him and just blinks and pewpews into fire goo) and they all die.

I’m happy for him, and glad he can carry me now. I just wish I could get my pet back to being what it was at the start of phase 1 (no i never used a scorpid or the air beast) I only use a cat sometimes a pig.

ps - i love your name :slight_smile: hehe

So when hunters are the ones being nerfed it’s fine and they should just cry about it, but it’s different if it’s your class?


Except they didn’t? Focus scaling+AP scaling for claw/bite is what made wind serpents and cats relevant. What they did afterwards is nerf wathever could inflate LB because ppl don’t like big numbers coming from pets no matter the setup.

They did remove MM from the equation and pigeonholed hunters into BM at the start of SoD I’m not debating on that one.
But BM did get compensation when scorpid poison whacky formula was fixed.

That being said I wonder what would happen if starsurge dmg was divided by 3, that’s what happened to MM hunters. Would we hear the same “your class is still fine” while they are forced to switch to feral?

This is the reason no one will feel bad for druids. The overall attitude concerning other classes being nerfed in conjunction with trolling PvP will ensure anyone complaining about the upcoming nerfs will be trolled mercilessly. Truthfully, people like:

will deserve every bit of it.

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idk why people think nerfing starsurge would be fixed by giving a boomy aoe, bosses are single entities most of the time.

That said, if you brick surge, you just get tapped by one of the like 10 other brainless abilities that hit for 1k.

Nerfing Scorpid made those other two relevant.

If you count changing AP/health scaling from 22.5% to 12.5%, WS scaling in general being nerfed, BM rune being nerfed by 33%, hunter pets no longer benefiting from spell damage, hunter pets no longer benefiting from WB, and KC being changed to only work with bite/claw as “wathever could inflate LB” then sure.

This was mainly due to their other nerfs of bow damage being nerfed by 33% from vanilla values, Lone wolf being changed to 15%, Chimera brought down from 125% to 85% (then eventually back up to 100%). Eventually after the… 10+? hunter pet nerfs MM was finally on par with BM if you had near or full BiS gear.

There was no compensation. Only reason WS was ever good was because scorpid got nerfed, you were griefing if you ran cat on ghamoo-ra, and LB3 was available at 25 whereas we would still be using LB3 at 40 currently if all hunters didn’t abandon their WS on p2 release. We’re back to… cat. Which is Era hunter.

Claw and bite didn’t scale at all before the abilities rebalance.

My LB went from ~90 pre focus scaling to ~160 the day after.

Yes I fully agree on that one, not a fan of the era cat meta. Just wanted to point out that (rank 1!) scorpid poison formula fix that already happened on retail a while ago (yes ppl exploited it to dominate PvE and arenas when they introduced scaling) came with substantial buffs to other abilities.

insta cast with no mana cost wow can we say filler like a bid dawg

All the hunters on here crying about nerfs are bad players. I did BFD at lvl 29 for the first time on a hunter yesterday wearing a green holiday hat for a helm and mostly below lvl 20 leather and still pulled 200dps. Also most people whining about starsurge are getting hit by more than one druid and completely ignoring the mage wombo combo and the fact that muti build rogues is busted. Learn druids alone its time they get their nut in balance mode.