Ranged hunter has been more viable and in demand than melee hunter all of phase 3 in both raid and pvp, even before the nerf thanks to TSA and trap launcher. Why would you be playing melee if you didn’t want to lol? Not sure if you know this, but having good cc and buffs will always be more important than slightly higher damage in an MMO. Ranged hunter isn’t making a “comeback” it was already better
I am not saying I cant, I am saying this is way too intense for me. You basically have to be the one people stack on or ranged will get too close for you to range as it makes it easier for melees to jump in the goo, and be the one to call the moves. So this plus the rotation, plus aiming the traps on ads to CC them with entrapment, that a lot.
Of course if you just target boss, don’t have to guide the other ranged and CC ads, it gets way easier.
If one thing, TSA melee could be even more a thing with BM nerf. Need to sim it to have a look once the sim is up to date.
The final salt in the wound is going to be that MC has tranq shot so melee will completely die next phase and all those runes will be dead with the exception of the belt one for pvp.
Then if ranged hunter starts doing solid damage it’s going to get hit with the nerf bat like a truck due to PvP complaints (since if ranged does damage parity with melee, it’s not relying on windfury or the multitude more raid buffs available for melee attack power which means it’s doing that damage all the time outside raids).
Add to that the changes to the ranged playstyle that make it less enjoyable than classic era hunter, and well… Hunter is doomed.
bm is the melee spec bud and a leveling spec.
i have 99 parses and i have never done this. heck sometimes i spork my rotation. first boss feels like a fat finger seizure ngl.
heavily heavily heavily agree with both of these.
i think the only time ive had a problem with trap launcher is when i caused a whole raid wipe with explosive trap breaking cc’s on the 3rd st encounter, and frost trap hiding the flame ground effect on the morphaz encounter which nearly caused a raid wipe, and hiding the poison rain animation with frost trap on eranikus which did cause a raid wipe. that and maybe my traps getting stuck on the candles the first time i did the last ST encounter were probably the only times ive had issues with trap launcher.
have to agree with both of these. now that we can go melee all weapons are hunter weapons and should work.
i dont even have any weak auras and half the time idfk whats going on i just occasionally look up at my buffs and see a 5 stack of this shred icon and press focus fire and proceed to miss my trap launcher shot because i swear my gm tank is trying to sabotage me with all the suspect kiting going on. honestly i need a stop casting macro for aim shot when i accidentally press it at 4 stacks and it casts then i have to move to completely reset my stacks. i wonder if thats possible.
For horde sure that might be a strong point, but alliance has kings from paladins. So…
They should add a new unique group/raid buff to the bm rune that lasts only while bestial wrath is up. That way BM hunter has something the other specs can’t offer. Then they can allow MM to have the better pvp along with all the ranged damage and tsa, and start buffing sv to the top hunter damage with runes like carve. Even if sv isn’t the very best amongst other melee classes, they can take lone wolf and then bring even further utility with Aspect of the Wild. It’s good for the non hunter players, and all the hunter specs have a reason to be in the raid. Everyone wins
Ranged has such a high ceiling for mid pack at best dps. There are so many things that kill it that people dont know or factor in. They just think we spam chimera shot and profit. They dont factor in sniper training, using LnL procs right, frenzy stacks, auto shot while moving, weaving aimed in if its instant, and more. Its a damn juggling act and people need to stop thinking in terms of “huntard”.
The fact we are the ONLY class that has a single role in SoD, have a literal “we are useless” zone aka dead zone, have to abandon rare pets because 3 slots is all me get (locks have 6…) and again more…yet the world just thinks its ok to nerf us.
Some folks do not understand the complexity of range hunter rotations now. No need to argue with them… they’ll never know how difficult it is having to track multiple things at once.
Sounds like you’re suffering from Stockholm syndrome there friend.
Stop supporting this drek of a company and its incompetent dev team.
Tranq Shot isn’t going to kill munter at all lmao.
So what, they have to step back 3yrds to use Tranq Shot every 20+seconds?
They won’t miss a melee swing and they won’t miss a GCD (since it’s spent on Tranq) so it literally costs them nothing more than ranged.
Since when was 5th best performing spec out of 14 “mid pack”?
It’s comfortably in the top 1/3.
Looking at ranged hunter rotation, it really doesn’t seem all that complicated. Keep chimera shot on CD (Basically requires using traps on CD), maintain rapid fire uptime, fill in the gaps with multi shot, or aimed shot if unable to multishot. Lots of classes can sound complicated if you talk about all the little procs and uptimes, dot refreshes, or whatever juggling has to be done. Huntard is still correct if you consider something like that to be difficult.
Until you factor in movement on yourself, your targets, having to time lnl procs to use on chimera shot for max output, minimum range, etc.
Its easy when you are just hitting a target dummy, not so easy when all the moving parts are added in.
Wow imagine that…a whiney hunter griping about absolutely nothing.
If melee hunter was doing to much damage, so were warriors and rogues. Especially considering they have far more utility for the raid, more mobility, can tank, etc.
Yet, only hunter got nerfed (and ranged bm got nerfed as well, which was middle of the pack dps, the ranged hunter you see on warcraft logs is MM ranged)
Its not an issue if all of the top dps get brought down a bit, but they nerfed the second place dps (almost 3rd as rogues were about to pass just from scaling) and keft the others alone.
See why we have an issue?
im playing hunter a lot. hunter is fine. melee hunter is stupid and i hate it. i dont know why hunters complain so much. class is fine.
Yawnnnnn. Here’s the point. Since the inception of wow hunters have been the whiniest group of people. The irony is y’all have always had the most insane amounts of utility. So forgive me if I don’t care if hunters actually do any less DPS then any other class because y’all have more utility then any other class and are the only class able to DPS from a 10 mile range.
That would be warriors
Melee hunter trades all that utility for its damage, and it just got nerfed.
So ignoring the fact its MELEE hunter who gives up their utility as melee.
Again, the issue is it got nerfed while others who are stronger or as strong go untouched, while they also bring more utility.
No they don’t. No one is talenting 11 points in prot for just kings when we are so barely viable in two of the roles, and prot is hard tied to consecration/vengeance.
This is a constant argument in my guild because lion doesnt affect warlock imp in phasing, and there’s no kings.
You realize they can take 1 point out of righteous fury and put it in kings if the raid needs kings and that will result in more threat than that 1 extra point in RF right?
They have the option to bring it without it really harming them as a tank
And ret going for it gains melee hit chance and reduced CDs on their utility.
They have the option to get it, with only minor losses on raw dps or raw threat (technically a threat gain if no other kings option available)
Is it their ideal talent option in a perfectly made group built to let them not have to talent into it? No, but its not a huge loss either.
The irony here as u sit here and say warriors are the whiniest as you are sitting here whining.