Nerfing Combat Logs: Will It Happen? Should It Happen?

I’m aware of that, I was asking if they’ve considered changing their mind on that, I should probably change my post to say ‘reconsider’ though just to be a little clearer.

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no, it should be there, just not in realtime. It should be on massive delay so it’s not meaningful to realtime parsing but still a useful OUT OF COMBAT diagnostic tool after the raid, like intended.

An interesting note is the combat log used to be delayed in past, not sure what point blizzard made it realtime, but that never should have happened.

None the less, literally anyone thinking blizzard wouldn’t fix it once it was abused, baffles me. it was always a given, just a matter of when and how.

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It’s still delayed but the delay isn’t time based it’s event based. As things have gotten exponentially more complex there are so many events being written to the log folder now that each snapshot is near enough in real time. There’s a small delay for registering things but it’s not enough to cause problems.

I’d expect we’ll just see them hide / encrypt the positional data from logs until after combat ends.

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Ah that’s a valid point, I always knew it used batching/chunk writes but yeah I forgot just how out of control game has gotten with needless combat log spam to point that it’d have to write those clumps far more often. honestly the game could stand for another CLEU culling like it got in mop. I feel like designers have also gotten too carried away again and since they’re looking at combat log anyways, I’d love to see them reel the event spam back in again too.

Also, why did the forums switch to my classic character I don’t even play. :rofl:

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I’m glad blizzard is taking action tbh.

Addons and weakauras are enough and they have limitations for a reason.

Blizzard has stated before and I hope they continue with the trend of designing fights that have better telegraphs and don’t require third party overlays to complete.

Why blame the forums when it is you that control your own account and profile.

imo. it would be great if there was a way to just have Details built into the base game.

damage done, healing done and damage taken is nice to see. seeing big numbers is nice.

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they were quickly banned by blizz because players were drawing inappropriate imagery with them.


This has been my biggest complaint in the game for years… Also having to install GTFO for example when you cant see or when a mechanic isnt showing up on your screen.

People are using Addons NOT because they want to, but because they fix Blizzards game design shortcomings.

Nobody who is a casual, or doing casual content is using overlay addons. I’d be incredibly surprised if a genuine casual knew the difference between in-game and overlay addons.

The best solution is to kill overlays but also change Aug hooks so you don’t need to log to actually know how much damage your own team (including yourself) is doing.

Agree. Augs need to have better information so they can understand their contribution to the normal damage meters like Details. I’d quit the game if I couldn’t see my performance improving, so it must be demoralizing for them atm.

I am in no way challenging the TOS, but I want to bring this up for Blizzard’s consideration.

Blizzard tends to not determine root causes, but rather targets symptoms. In this case: the overlay. Third party designs for overlays are, and always have been, a response to player needs on parsing the increasingly overwhelming incoming data Blizzard throws at us. In other words: Blizzard’s encounter designs are hitting upper limits to what the human mind can parse, and in-game cues are insufficient or lacking to help parse the information overload.

These overlays are simply a result of Blizzard creating a need, but offering no solutions.

Addons like DBM and BigWigs would not exist if either of the following conditions were met out of the gate:

  1. The fights weren’t, in many cases, over-engineered
  2. Visual cues were easier to parse

So I think it’s a bit unfair to hit players and add-on developers with TOS violations when it’s Blizzard’s encounter designs which are at the root of why things like overlays are being considered: Blizzard is promoting the need.

As long as Blizzard continues to design encounters that begin to hit the limits of what the human mind is capable of tracking without assistance, add-on developers will always be inspired to bridge the gap on behalf of players, and sometimes those solutions are going to be graphic in nature. And players are always going to look for addons to help them better understand what is going on with fights because SO MUCH is going on with fights these days, and Blizzard’s visual cues are diegetic, so tend to be more subtle than what is useful to the player when trying to account for so many moving parts.

All that said, I don’t envy Blizzard the challenge, it is not easy to keep ramping up the challenge each “season” (I despise that term for WoW) so encounters don’t feel stale yet also consider the numerous caps that would outright shut the encounter down.

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There are very few mythic fights, especially in DF, where a WA is required/helpful.

No mythic+ dungeons need any addons, the mechanics are all very simple.

No heroic raids or under need addons, the mechanics are very simple and every boss ability has voice emotes (and has for a long time) along with standardized spread / soak animations.

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[Emphasis mine]

-looks at the hundreds of screenshots of people drawing a certain private part with the powderkeg in the WoD intro-

Yeaaaah, I don’t think that was the reason they changed the way calls are handled to break the addon that let you draw on the world…

Id have to disagree with you.

while the fights may be simple for some, they arent for everyone. ive seen people mess up on the most simplistic of mechanics in these instances.

with or without add ons, they still manage to mess up. it has nothing to do with add ons giving an advantage over another player or not.

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18 years later and we are still having this argument over addons.

What shocks me is how people are saying that you “need” these add ons in order to play the game, that somehow, other players are requiring them to have them in order to get into raid/keys. which is true and untrue at the same time. I know plenty of people that dont play with any add ons and I know some that do. it doesnt matter if you have an add on or not to enjoy the game, you can play with or without them, but forcing players to play without add ons, is no different then forcing them to play with add ons. so how does that make any sense? it frankly doesnt. no one should be forcing another player to play differently then how they are but lets be honest here, add ons do and have helped enhance game play for players. the ones that have embraced these add ons, have benefited greatly because it enhances their playstyle. what people are basically saying here is " Play how I play and I dont care if you enjoy it or not, just as long as I benefit from it".

What stumps me is that why are you guys constantly blaming these add ons? like some of the comments here are " oh well they use dps meters to belittle players". no, they use dps meters to get an idea of how much dps is being generated to kill said bosses/mobs. again the purpose of it is to enhance gameplay. or what about dbm? why would anyone be objective towards this add on, considering the fact that its purpose is to verbally and visually alert you fo a mechanic or even damage. theres been forms of dbm since the beginning of this game and people are objecting to its use in raid/keys? seriously? a add on thats purpose is only to alert you? instead of blaming all these add ons, how about confronting the actual problem. which simply is that there is an imbalancement with playstyles. people that want to use add ons, should be on the same level as the people not having add ons, it use to be like that ages go.

more importantly, why are we laser focused on this primary issue? has anyone noticed other in game issues, like botting, the ah dying out, lack of content (both pve and pvp), contant botting that never ends (which has been here since the beginning of the game but is never addressed), and the constant bugs that plague quests and instances that have never been polished out or even addressed. so while everyone is complaining about the use of add ons, I think other game issues are more important then worrying about add ons.

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do they? i haven’t seen it happen once.

other than the one funny picture from like the first day aug was a thing, is this an actual ongoing problem?

Not really

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The logs are wrote in real time. So if it was added at the end of a fight, then it would have to be stored elsewhere or in RAM.

Regardless, perhaps the real issue is players and raid design.

Raids have got more complex in many ways since vanilla. On one hand players shouldnt need addons of any kind to do any of the raids. Yet we all including myself find ourself using them for when Blizzard puts in mechanics that are not easily seen.

The other issue is players always wanting to be the best of the best. I mean, I confess at playing and looking at my DPS parses, then followed by disappointment that I didnt do well cuz no Priest with PI.

So should we have combat logging at all? It would solve so much player toxicity.

Was going to say. 10 posts and 0 Achevments… MVP IT IS BOYS!