Nerfing Combat Logs: Will It Happen? Should It Happen?

but difficulty through obscurity is the new thing!


Cool now put the support events into the in-game events so people can have any reasonably accurate means to see their performance when an augmentation evoker is present. Currently it’s impossible to tell in-game if someone is improving as a dps or if it’s just the augmentation evoker carrying them.

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No fun allowed. Boo!

Those addons that let you draw on the world in WotLK were cool :frowning:

Better make some changes to your philosophy on designing raid fights then.


They could start with making it so that there are very clearly defined boundaries for every attack in the game. It sucks taking damage when it looks like you’re out of a swirly for where an attack is about to land, only to take the full damage from it cause the swirly doesn’t properly show how large the affected area is. :neutral_face:


Addons have gotten to a point where you won’t be accepted if you don’t have 'em.

Which is basically death for casuals or anyone that doesn’t already know about them.

It’s why WoW can never really grow- they’ve been designing the game around these very things instead of a player without them.


i have yet to see a group that scans your computer to see what you have installed.

what’s much more common is the “i don’t use addons! i use MY EYES!!! mechanics are easy!!!” guy dying to the first mechanic and ragequitting


I love the challenge of some of these raid encounters and I would be incredibly disappointed if the answer were just making things easier.

Addons overlay and wa are a “problem” for the higher end not casuals imo. To me casuals are just the pick up lfg tools those guys don’t care what ui I’m using. IMHO this isn’t a problem for the casual player base

What mechanics even need addons in mythic+, heroic raids, or even many mythic raid bosses?

Do players need an addon to tell them to not get hit by breath attacks?

Mythic Echo…sure.

Addons as a whole needs to be either be banned or be limited because it has gone too far.


The result will be that the most talented and best-organized players will still find ways to work around this. If it becomes significantly harder for average players to raid, we will see participation drop.

Call me crazy, but I thought the plan all along was for you guys to stop developing encounters that required complex solutions in the first place.


counterpoint: actually addons need to be expanded. they have not gone far enough.

No, they actually don’t and blizzard needs to be harsher towards addons than to be lenient.


Don’t be surprised if blizz makes logs not readable/locked to exporting until encounter/combat ends.

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i disagree. addons make the game more enjoyable to me


That’s your personal opinion not the majority and I hope blizzard to limit the api and ingame data and actually make the players use their brains or have better telegraph to mark the danger zones and after that encrypt the game so that nobody can access the codes.


Game would be horribly boring and annoying to sort out if they wholesale banned the metaprogression (collection) and ui refinements (tooltip enhancements/showing IDs for variety of things).

I’d just piece out and finally play other things.

They still don’t have the math correct for Aug evoker buffs. No class/spec’s dps should go down when “buffs” are applied yet this is exactly what happens and it is worse for some class/spec’s than others (WW being one of the worst). Before you say it, I’m not comparing in game dps meters with logs - I’m comparing logs with logs with and without aug. Removing all aug buff’s FIRST with remove aura macro nets you the highest parse you can get.

Secondly, the aug isn’t pressing buttons… so it’s quite literally the other way around - they are getting carried by other people pressing buttons.

Further, now that we have the ability to see how much their buff’s effect the group, why can we not see how much other buff’s effect the group (and how much others are “carrying”). Going back to the monk, my direct physical damage buff that I bring should ONLY count as MY DPS. This solution for aug is a half-a$$, incomplete, wrong implementation. Tired of Blizzard “logic” only applying to 1 thing when 9 others do it to.

actually most people agree with me.