They do 10 DoTs on you,
They fear you.
This fear lasts for 15 sec and longer and will not stop!!!
He is steal your life, he is killing you!
You cannot play Undead Rogue, lol!! // Why you posting on Retail Char?
A: I have no Gametime on US Client. I made this Character in test version (until 20) to post on this forums. I am an active player in EU region and playing Dwarf Hunter.
Sure maybe pre pvp trinkets… or against classes that can’t do anything to get out of stuns. But once the pvp trinket is available then…well…not so much.
I had a rogue jump me on my priest today, did a full stun lock rotation and it just barely broke my shield. He casted blind, I stoneform and dotted him up, proceed to murder him with full health. Totally difficult as a non-shadowform priest.