Nerf ulduar

Lol how is this stirring the pot man? Because I have an opinion that you don’t share? You need to get outside lol cuz that’s how the world works bub

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wouldn’t that be especially problematic at chik-fil-a?

says the guy who talks about how his time is so much more valuable than ours is… cute.

It’s not time. A couple of weeks =/= a while

You’re asking Blizzard to nerf something and you have absolutely zero context and zero detail.

Translation: You want to put forth minimal time and effort while being handed maximum rewards. I use the words “being handed” because that’s exactly what it is. You don’t want to work… you want free hand outs for nothing.

Sounds like you’re the one who needs to try harder.

Why nerf it? Just put all the items on a vendor instead. If it’s free anyways why make people spend even 10 minutes in there?

Only need hardmode gear only at this point. I, like many, can’t commit to a raid schedule and don’t have insane gold for gdkps.

You should match yourself with the game’s demand, the game shouldn’t match itself with your demand.

Go play league of legend or whatever if this semi-casual version of wow is still too time consuming for you.

I watch pugs clear full runs except yogg 0. Get good

flagging my post is funny lol you guys know nerfs are coming anyways.

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The flag will get removed. You good.


I have my parses printed on a shirt so people know to stay away from me.
(if you check me you’ll get it, I am not good but we still clear bosses)

No you haven’t. Good troll post though. Lots of people taking your bait.

Nerf the only thing we liked about WoTLK Classic.

Are you out of your mind, OP?

pls nerf it blizzard


Man threads like this are so petty and cringe. Ulduar hardmodes and alt runs are so much fun when youre in a good guild with bros who know mechanics and like to pump. Im sorry everyone cant expetience that.

Except vezax jfc cmon blizz

I agree nerfs should be coming soon, yes many people legit suck at the game and classic is supposed to be a nostalgia trip anyway, let everyone kill algalon.
It will also help good players gear alts because not every guild is doing alt runs and 10 man is only worth if the group is doing HM’s so good luck finding a competent group when demand is so high, lowering the difficulty means more pugs can full clear

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My guild fought Algalon on 10m for the very first time yesterday, and we got him to 39% within 1 hour on our best attempt. I was impressed, given we only had videos to work with.

I think it is too early to consider nerfs for Ulduar.

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All those pugs could form ten man guilds and be fine instead to.

Nerfing it ruins the content.

We all almost died of boredom in Naxx.

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I understand not wanting the nerfs but when my alts are further along in prog and gear then my main simply because my mains guild can’t get 25 people to raid and we keep failing to the roster boss and are constantly clearing 25man with 15-20 people I say bring on the nerfs.

My alts are 9/9 14/14 and my main can’t even pass any because we don’t have the 25 people needed to actually do the hardmodes. And before you say we can underman it yes it’s undermanable when you have 252 gear but when people are 225-231 ilvl it makes doing the fights more difficult!!!

normal mode itsself is nerfed to the dirt, its that easy.