Nerf ulduar

So the world revolves around you because you’re the one who needs it brought down to your skill level?

Hypocrite much?

tbh this is prob what it is lol. Guy calls people bad when he has no idea who they are and wants to gatekeep content/gear so he can make gold and get complimented on his ilvl because as a person he has nothing. Sad!

Prince of The unbathed sweatlords


As someone who used to be in a sweatlord guild 5 ish years ago when I was still in university, most high end players work short hours in very high paying jobs. (Ex: lawyers)

Edit: or are seasonally employed

Can you get drinknblink out of his basement please…
Tell him it’s okay to not be a sweat lord

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But you said the world doesn’t revolve around me but I’m not asking for anything to be changed in the game on how it was released.

You’re literally asking for the game to be changed to fit your skill level.

You don’t see how dumb you sound in the things you say?

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90% of the players skill level… (fixed it for you)

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It’s gunna get nerfed sooner or later dude. Idc what you have to say you’ve proven yourself to be really simple minded in this thread and I will avoid you in gdkps or talk crap to you in the future when I see you. Tool.


Most raiding players are killing hard modes. 10m is also much more accessible and drops a ton of amazing loot.

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It’s already been nerfed significantly with the increased ilvl.

Ulduar HMs feel a lot closer to Naxx now than they did in the first week or two.

Steelbreaker burn is kind of a meme now.

Algalon is only really punishing when Collapsing Star has the potential to one shot (or close to it), and
when everyone is rocking 25k+ HP it doesn’t happen.

Hodir requires less stars to align and you can do the mechanics poorly and he still dies.

Thorim dies before his damage ramps to a dangerous point.

Freya’s ground tremor isn’t scary (ala Algalon) because everyone is rocking 25k+ HP

P2 Mimiron melts so fast now that the HPS check isn’t as relevant.

P4 Mimiron can be done with like 10-15 guys in solid gear, so you don’t even need your entire raid to live most
of it anymore.

Yogg 0’s DPS checks are basically non-existant. The REAL mechanic of the fight (Shadow Beacon) isn’t even a thing
when you can blow torch the boss in P3.


He isn’t good enough to do any of this

So we have to change the game to fit his skill level

I don’t do gdkps anymore, I’m retired.

I raid log now

If you don’t agree with him he will just call you a sweat Lord

I agree that it’s way easier but it still has a ways to go to be as easy as Naxx haha

Yeah, now we push Molgeim from 20% after he drops rune and still have time to burn Steelbreaker before 1st tank dies, it’s amazing.

Lol exactly so you don’t even play the game outside of those raid log clears. I actually play the game daily. This means raids on 3 characters, arena on 3 characters… occasional dailies, leveling more alts, ect. You only play to parse and that sites calculations are not even accurate (counting things like BF in assassination, lul). You are trash at the game but decent at one part of it, manipulating numbers. grats I guess

Arena is a lot harder than PvE in WoW.

If you’re as good in Arena as you claim, and still choose to play with bad players for PvE,
it’s your own fault. Most guilds love to recruit reliable PvPers because their reflexes
and game IQ is significantly higher than the average WoW raider.


That’s a lot of characters to fail on


What else would it count as with 45 points in the assassination tree?

I have tried joining guilds. It’s just hard for me to commit to a schedule and I hate being a no show. So I pug and try to gdkp with what gold I have. I want nerfs so I can get items more easily. It’s a means to an end for me. If I could buckle down somehow and commit to a raid sched it could solve my issue but isn’t really an option with being on call a lot.