Boogienight is retarded

Current clear rates.

Green is Normal Mode, Yellow is Hard mode and Red is Yogg 0.

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If you look at those over each week too there is a constant steady progression on clearing more and more hardmodes.

Having both modes in a raid is significant when it comes to moral and keeping one foot in front of the other. The frags always dropping is another thing that will keep some of the most veteran players engaged too.

I’ll say it again, Ulduar was a bit overtuned but not to a point where a geared mediocre raid couldn’t overcome it.

I agree, the only people still progressing content are in guilds that need the help and the good guilds already 1 night clear it all anyways so it won’t affect them at all really.

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If you look at these numbers, not only are the majority of guilds somewhat in the middle of clearing hardmodes, but clear rates for most of the hardmodes have gone up quite a bit since three weeks ago (i dot imgur dot com / NQW7Iem.png ), all the way from the easier ones like FL (38% to 58%) to the hardest keeper (16% to 31% for Mim) and Algalon (600 to 2200 kills for Alg.).

Hardly supports the idea that everyone has cleared it or has stalled progression. Maybe in a month…

Let’s not forget that these charts also include the website pro booster teams and the pro carry GDKP teams that have infested every server and make up the majority of these clears by a long shot The tiny margin left is hardcore raid logger guilds… which makes up about a handful.

The majority of wow are casual raiding guilds that are hard stuck at the general and yogg

I don’t believe the entire raid needs to be nerfed but the general, yogg and algalon needs to be. Just a small little Nerf would do.

So the vast majority of the game can actually experience the content without their guilds getting busted apart from hitting brick walls week after week on the same bosses.
People are giving up and leaving guilds and just running GDKPs
Which is killing the entire social aspect. Well that’s another subject for another time.


Uldar needs no nerfs. It will continue to get easier the more inflated peoples Ilvl gets. In addition, people will continue to come back to clear it quick just for Val frags. It has multiple difficulties to meet each crowd. Any guild who puts THE TIME in can do the content.


The problem is people are giving up after two maybe three weeks and just joining the Loot vending machine GDKPs

GDKPs have destroyed more guilds than any thing in the history of wow.
Not to mention the DK bots that have to farm the millions of gold for them.

You are referring to a handful of guilds that have stuck it together to accomplish the goal as a team and a very small handful at that.

The other 98% of the guilds members are leaving after a couple wipes and joining the loot vending machines

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Idk you’re just wrong.

The dudes in the vast majority of gdkps are alts of people who actively raid in a guild.

I don’t know a single person who solely does gdkps as their form of main raiding, not a single 1.

I do know a lot of people who raid in gdkps on their alts.

I think your assumption is wrong.

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I do know some gdkp organizers that only do gdkps.

But that’s really it. I also raid with my guild and use gdkps to play my alts.

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I don’t know a single 1.

Most of my guild does gdkps and they even organize 1 of the biggest gdkp networks on Benediction and all of them are mains in our raid and use their alts in the gdkps

My guild organizes 8-10 gdkps a week.

LOL Nobody is hard stuck on normal General/Yogg 4.


I really hope they dont stick to that.
Never understood whats so good about ulduar.
The only boss that feels rewarding is Algalon, the rest is just hoping for that 1 hardmode item that wont drop, and everyone needs it.

I mean Ulduar is kinda beautiful, but i like to have a more streamlined gearprogression on my chars.
My tank is 1 item close to fullbis, my casters are far away. Feels bad man.

I quit playing because I was tired of wiping in Vezzax and Yog week after week. And my guild is still struggling there without killing any, also we got there 11pm server time after 2 day raiding so everyone (specially me) was tired and bored at that point.

I think my reason to quit is because my raid attention span can’t last more than a few weeks, every right night over the last month was “ugh I have to raid again…”.

I think I’m just too old to be compromised every week to raid.


thanks for admitting you have no place in this game, and that your opinion should not be taken seriously


Far from the best, but it is pretty good.

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Nerf it up boys. I need to free up some time to fit another 1 or 2 clears in per week.


haha. is this da same guild or group of people dat were also asking for da gold cap to be raised?

Gold cap too low .

da whale buyers must be running out, time to transition to the common man to sell gold to.

da gold buying epidemic is all together too real. integrity of da game is gone now.

guild officer dat also sells gold on a discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discords.
https:// imgur. com/a/YdnNCOj

screenshot of dat same guilds gdkp discord promoting da same gold selling discord. haha. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. yellow is leader.
https:// imgur. com/a/GyQcgZf

haha. here is a photo of dat same guilds guild master telling buyers in da gold selling discord how to get priority spots in da gdkp discord. note da ranks n color of their name in da discord. green is gdkp leader.
https:// imgur. com/a/yboW7Pw

how do normal players end up selling over 45,000,000 gold?! dis figure is 8 months out of date, imagine how much has been sold since wotlk launch.

no bans ever to date n farmer to table experience. a premium for safe gold?!

hiring botters n farmers to farm specifically for them?! buy wholesale then resale after da gold has been cleaned?!

crazy how dis one gdkp server. dis is one guild. does all dis with no action for all of tbc n wotlk.

45,000,000 gold sold to players, 8 months ago during tbc prices for what 8 dollars per thousand?

dat is 360,000 dollars in real money. think about dat. let it sink in.

dis is a huge problem in da game. no one can disput dis.

these r normal players doing dis. imagine a real operation when people r using it to make a living. think about all da death knight bots u see everywhere.

nerfing ulduar or any content in wotlk classic allows these operations to thrive n grow. do not nerf any content. keep wotlk classic true to itself.

greed is not good.


None of the images you posted are from anyone affiliated with my guild.

Our GDKP server was called Get Carried GDKP before they moved to the Whitemane server wide gdkp server.

That looks like someone from HUNKS maybe.

You need to quit that guild and join another one. If a guild is stuck on normal General and Yogg 4 light, after 2 days of raiding to get there, some of the players in that guild are just not even trying and do not deserve to be there. Pugs are full clearing the place in one night and your old guild can’t do it in three? Get away from that asap.

Nerf it, let the nerf flow through you, be one with the Nerf