Nerf to the 3-yard melee range

Hello everyone,

I looked at the developer’s notes which indicated that the development team felt that the 3-yard range to melee was not good for the game and have significantly removed it from many classes. I think ret is actually now the only melee that has range, hunter, druid and rogue all lost this ability.

I don’t know how I feel about this change, to be fair it probably did need to happen. As it was incredibly strong, I know personally as a melee, I would simply not have to deal with almost all melee mechanics in mythic + or raid which did feel like I was cheating big time.

That being said, it was a HUGE source of fun in the game, was it too strong, too oppressive? Probably, but this really sucks in my opinion, it just screams of anti-fun, after all you gave us this really nice thing, now you want to take it away and leave nothing in it’s place?

Also why does ret get to keep it? Are they just a better class than everyone else? Because it sure feels it now.



It was very convenient to have, but if you’re playing a melee spec, I think it’s fair that you be expected to play in melee range. Those talents being inconsistently implemented across melee specs was also a source of frustration for players.

Hopefully this means Blizz will work on the vfx clutter so that it’s easier to see important mechanics and track your character.


On an off-topic, I was also thinking the lighting in the game needs improvement. Case in point, back in Shadowlands, I ran Freehold on my warrior. I died more than any other class, because I was finding myself inside of the mobs to hit them.

I remembered something from the old days, the “inky black potion” from dark moon faire, which significantly darkens the world around you. I thought maybe this might possibly help but I wasn’t sure.

I applied the potion and to my surprise I stopped dying because I could see the mobs melee abilities better. So, ya I mean maybe this could be a work around as a solution to the problem, the concern I have is, melee is usually a hot mess with tons happening in it.
If they adjust the lighting, am I still going to see it through the chaos? I’m not convinced.

The problem is that they are running out of design space or at least feel that way as per a few interviews. Creep across many aspects of the game have limited the ways they can challenge players and I think they just said “we need something back here to work with, pick one” and melee range was one of them. It will probably take a while for the game to adjust from encounter design to melee vs range tuning, the biggest loss is probably for higher latency melee players in PvP.

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More reason to just bring all ranged dps for keys. Melee range might work in raids, but in keys it is basically a liability that just makes positioning harder.

It was already easier to just bring all ranged dps, now it will be even easier.


Ret also lost their increased melee range talent, didn’t they?

Then these developers need to stop changing everything for every expansion. Giving a class/spec something, especially when it’s part of a rework, and then removing it because “next expansion has to change everything” is dumb

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So, Ret lost its +3 yrd range talent for melee autos and Crusader Strike, however its spenders and Blade of Justice still have Evoker level range.

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Sure, but hunters and rogues and druids also have some ranged attacks as well.
I guess I wasn’t sure whether the thread was discussing the classes’ entire kits or just the specific nerf to melee attacks that blizzard was implementing.

I’d say, that melee classes need a 40 yard range. Too many dummies using knockback abilities, throwing nicely grouped enemies out of melee range, now scattered and melee can no longer use aoe abilities.
I’m not being serious about the crazy melee range, but it is annoying with the knockback crap.

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Good for the health of the game, welcome to what warriors and monks have been doing for ages; it’ll make you a better player, and they balance around it, embrace the change.

It’s fine to claw back the range extenders on classes, but default melee range should be extended out a few yards for everyone. It should just be baseline.

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Been playing this warrior for 20 years… welcome to the pain that is needing to stand on the mobs foot to hit them while the tank zig zags randomly lol.

Roar > spear

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I miss when taurens had higher melee range cause they were bigger

Ranged abilities are part of the spec. However, we’re still going to have stand in melee range as much as possible for Crusading Strikes.