Nerf to Healing Hands

Blessing of sacrifice, BoP, LoH.

Ret didn’t tradionally tossed out WoG’s like candy before DF spec remake. It just wasn’t worth it back then. This is a just a return to the norm. FoL getting buffed through celerity will cover the niche you enjoy.

You also have the option of going herald.

The soec wasnt flooding with hp either and we had heals in selfless healer, bfa wog with charges and SL wog was super strong due to conduits like shielding words. Always had strong on demmand offhealing , df didnt change a thing but add a mana cost to wog

And WoG was never used except as an absolute last resort emergency, but at most cases that emergency is going to wipe anyways so they where not used due to trying to keep HP flowing for dps since we where not flooded with hp pre-rework.

Our main on demand heal always was loh.

I’ve tried it and it doesn’t really compare or feel as nice.

Someone gets chunked and goes to 30% hp - I notice first/react first - I give them a bonus healing WoG - they go back to safe zone and everyone happy


Someone gets chunked (and remember: damage intake is way too spikey to not chunk) - I notice first/react first - I give them a bonus healing FoL - they go up to 40~50%ish HP - The Healer looks and decides if they still need an emergency heal to survive the next potential hit - The Healer plays it safe and pumps a more expensive heal into them to top them off - FoL comes back off cd, and seeing my teammate at 40-50%ish, I FoL them again - They get overhealed

I had this happen when I was messing around in a dungeon and I couldnt help but think just how bad it felt and how powerless it made me feel as a Paladin. What was before 1 gcd and an immediate reward became 2 gcds and wasted resources.

I tried to use my kit to the fullest, lost 2 gcds of rotation, and wasnt impactful enough for the healer to not waste resources anyway. My damage output was probably more impacted than if I had the old Healing Hands.

It makes me feel like Retribution is the joke spec when I see 4 caster mobs, know I can stun one, kick one, and sac one, and either LoH the last or use an “iM heLpInG tOo” button like Light’s Celerity.

We have reptentence for a reason in those cituations.

We are not healers. Topping players off isn’t what we should be doing. But the emergency heal we can do with FoL/LoH should be enough for the player to take another hit… as long as it’s not one of those “don’t stand in fire” scenario or an instant kill mechanic. If the player we are healing don’t follow those mechanics, then they deserve death that comes with it. (sorry, not sorry, I don’t have the M+ mentality)

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t heal, just we shouldn’t be as potent as healers themselves. I am more in support of our healing being passive means to help support heal really, with the ocassional “oh no” button to help.

You are missing the point, this change affects pvp too. . .

I am well aware, how ever, that is why they buffed WoG on self use. In a sense in pvp our “cheat death” talent gotten buffed indirectly.

What buff? Healing hands worked on the target (was changed to only work on yourself)

Nothing has changed

I believe you are mistaken here, WoG retains its PvP negative modifiers, has had a mana cost increase and, while it still does self benefit from Healing Hands, the talent that gives a self cast free WoG at low health has always benefitted from Healing Hands.

WoG has become categorically weaker in PvP (and PvE)

People are going to get themselves killed failing mechanics. Can’t (nor should we be able to) “off-heal” that, I agree.

Current dungeon design has made damage very spikey again, and there is not much use for 10-20% heal on a 6 second cd. It will neither “top someone off” nor “let them survive the next hit” Defensive bloat has required every unstopped cast to need to hurt for the dungeon experience to work.

So Ret just gets…I don’t know… flavor text when it comes to its active off-healing. Yes you are a Paladin, yes you will retain your funny paladin buttons (LoH, BoP) but when you actually use the healing button, its going to feel ineffectual and you are going to much rather wish that your healer got to it first, or that the person who took damage didn’t in the first place.

What other Spec wishes that it would rather not have had to use its Class identity?


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They didn’t, they just said the bonus was retained for self-use but no longer affected other players.

Basically, Healing hand didn’t change for self-use.

unimpactful offhealing doesnt really do anything. the reactivity people say they do always boils down to spamming wog and becoming pesudo healers and do 0 damage.

you saying that as if maelstorm isnt a damage resource for them either.

idk when you had good offhealing (bfa wog ret) all other offhealing kinda falls short. especially with the class tree we have now.

ultimately ill miss healing hands for actual reactive offhealing, but ultimately i wont miss it much. as a vdh getting a “reactive wog” means nothing cause i can spb all my missing hp bar up again. you basically wasted your resource cause you dont know how other specs work and thus kinda messing with us on the long run

you have more of a better niche with “blessing” usage, the amount of rets here that dont use bop, freedom or sac proactively is criminal, using a gcd on those instead of wog is alot better

Why are you so focused on a 5min, 3min cd as if they are gamechangers.

Eveeytime you mention bop lo hI cringe

What does you being vdh has to do with me being capable of throwin heals when needed.

Holy power is also a damsge resource for ret why id enhance able to offheal bettee than retm

because bop actually allows you to cheese so many mechanics last season in keys. its ridiculous.

saying “its cringe” is like saying “wearing a seatbelt in a car going 90miles per hour is cringe. why do you even mention it” like holy moly. havent you even considered that the reason why loh and bop are long cds cause they are game changers? new concept i know.

also sac is a 1 min cd and freedom is also a sort cd.

cause most rets, not saying you. “react” by healing tanks with wog when they dont need to be healed.

maybe just maybe, your not supposed to spam wog thats why it has a mana cost as well. maybej just maybe. enchance maelstorm is a more costly resource then hopo (we overcap hopo like a mf)

To confirm, the use cases for BoP last season were:

*BoP the fixate target on the duo elites before Stitchflesh in Necrotic Wake
*BoP the cast “Call of the Brood” (AoE phys dmg) on the 2nd Elite before 1st Boss in Ara-Kara
*BoP the charge from 2nd boss in Ara Kara
*BoP the fixate on 1st boss in Siege of Boralus (Note: this will prevent dmg but will still cause knockback - Target is expected to kite, boss ability will prioritize targeting ranged if possible)
*BoP the “bullet hallway” in Siege of Boralus

These are not nothing, these are just not that special or unique. Blizz did not design these mechanics around BoP to make that ability shine. (And they definetly shouldn’t)

…But as a groups skill level rises, BoP becomes much less needed. It can still be nice just not really ever needed.

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Anything that reads “Immune” will need to have a long cooldown (or be disabled in PvP). The spell is paying in PvE for how potentially gamechanging it is in PvP. I think the spells should have different PvP and PvE effects but I also know that opinion is very devisive for some groups.

If enhance spends a more costly resource, they should have access to a stronger off-heal. Shamans are hybrids the same as Paladins.

…It does feel a little…off flavor though. Existing Blizz lore has put the Priest/Paladin/Holy style of magic as being the most healing focused.

(I won’t mention how Enhance has been the highest throughput dps Spec and the de-facto most desirable spec in M+ …because somebody has to be on top -even if someone is on top they shouldn’t be nerfed in a way that makes them have less Class Identity)

With WoGs mana increase it will be a more impactful and risky decision when a Ret does to decide to use it. Going OOM on Paladin is somewhere between “Embarrassing”<->“Fatal”. I am confused and disheartened that the spell was made both more costly/risky and less impactful at the same time.

I think it would have been cool to make the extra increase in healing a shield instead for Ret. It keeps the skill aspect of popping it on low HP party members and it means you can still save their life, but it avoids the issue of Ret doing large amounts of healing and encroaching into the healer’s territory.
Give it a 10 sec cool down and 5-10 sec duration on the shield application.

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The whole point of healing hands is so that when the target is low, your wog with HH can bring them back to safety.

We cannot do that now.

And that’s the problem with the HH nerf now. The best i can do as a ret to compensate for this is to PRECAST FOL so the target gets it as soon as he gets the dmg. And that means i am TOTALLY not doing anything at all.

At least with Wog i am still using generators to get resource for the instant offheal. This is very much a nerf imo.

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its better than spot offhealing tbh.

Maelstorm is not costly at all. They get to 10 in a global sometimes and get refunds every time on their 10 stack tempest. Not even to keep lighting rod on the target as tempest gives them a FREE instant lighting bolt that can chain refund itself.

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