Nerf these classes and abilities

  1. Fire mage- op burst and triune is still too good
  2. Hunter- bm too op bc 2 pets and too much damage and MM 1 shots with aimed shot and rapid fire
  3. Destro warlock- too much chain CC and damage with chaos bolts
  4. Sub rogue- still globals classes in stuns
  5. Ret pally- can wings and kill almost anything in a stun and bubble doesn’t punish them at all
  6. Ferals- too much offhealing and mobility as well as survivability with Bearform and necrolord
  7. Most healing specs- especially holy priest, it shouldn’t take 4-5 dps in wpvp to kill a single healer. Same for rdruid.
  8. Arms warr- way too much damage and also healing reduction with sharpen and MS. Also doesn’t take much damage due to def stance.
  9. Frost mage frost bolt 1 shot. They didn’t need damage buffs, they needed something else.
  10. WW monk Bonedust brew too op

Ur welcome, get to work on these changes blizz




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haha nice.


hello chris, how are you

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Missing a lot more

Hey Christie have you heard of that Dragma guy? He’s been talking a lot about you lately.

u make it way to obvious : /

1 Like

I do not know what you’re talking about. You’ve yet to inform me of who Phillup is either.

Cant farming the kahoot bracket

gonna need the other 2 specs of warlock up there.

Stay mad im not dating u

This just got more interesting…


Ya bc all these eboy just mad bc I won’t date them :blush::yawning_face:

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All these different “OP classes” sounds like we could be on the verge of season 15 MoP balance which would be awesome. How about buff others instead of nerfing

(post deleted by author)

I am a woman you clearly don’t know me

wat about me


Ima tell gracie

So we cant go on a date anymore ? :frowning:

How rich r u from boosts? Driving a lambo yet?