You have a hard enough time with reading comprehension that I can see why you’re having so much trouble with a challenge that isn’t even widely complained about.
If the only and first time I’m seeing complaining is a thread with 30ish people (most of them seem to be from pre-nerf) and the same complaints are not being seen ingame or in the discords I’m in I don’t consider that widely complained. I can find someone complain about anything if I set out to look for it, if I’m not hearing it anywhere else chances are it’s probably not an issue. I know some very mediocre players that have finished this challenge.
You should log off the WoW Forums and go put attempts in, because I guarantee you’ll get it eventually.
But this is also true. Every spec has had complaints. But Havoc isn’t one that I’d put near the top of the list for complainers. I haven’t tried the DH one (I don’t think i’ve logged into a DH in over a year).
In a sea of Bear threads (because it’s massively more popular as a reward), finding complaints about Havoc, where most will shrug and just do the faceroll Vengeance and get the mog, will be harder.
The fact there’s a big thread on their class forum though is a sign. People recognize Havoc is overtuned compared to other Xylem encounters.
Mostly damage intake. You take double the damage of Warriors, even in the phase where your healing isn’t double. Leaving you with only the “fast strat” as a viable exit, unless you plan to use all CDs to hop bubble to bubble. Movement as a DH while fast is also much less click precise than something like Leap, Charge or Shadowstep, making the “fast strat” a good exercise in mouse aiming precision.
Why? What is preventing you from becoming good at World of Warcraft? Like if you have nerve damage in your hands I get it…you probably aren’t going to be pushing world first, but if your only limitation is that you just don’t have the time to practice or don’t feel like putting in the effort…idk what to tell ya.
Why have I literally only heard complaints about Holy Priest then? It’s an incredibly unpopular spec, especially when compared to bears or havoc dh/
My take has always been that there’s a level of innate skill in everything in life, video games are no different. You can practice to the ends of the earth and definitely get really good at whatever game you’re practicing but there is a level of innate skill that separates the best from the very good.
I haven’t seen much about it. A few posts here or there.
I’d wager it’s because you’re on a priest, and paying attention to priest things.
I’ve personally seen more Havoc stuff, but most Havoc stuff finishes off with “Just do Vengeance”. Priests are pretty much up the creek without a paddle, their other options are Tugar or Twins.
Not even close. This is how I know you didn’t read my initial post at all. If you did your reading comprehension is worse than what I thought initially.
What’s to stop you from having quicker reflexes? Or faster mental processing? Or the ability actively focus on multiple things at a time? Hand eye coordination? Everyone has varying degrees of biological abilities. And this translates to what we do in life and in a video games. You can improve, often a lot with practice and learning, but there are limits.
Sure, but you don’t need to be the best, you just need to be good enough on 1 single attempt. The best players in the world with more natural talent might learn faster, make less mistakes, and kill it in less pulls than you, but you can still get there eventually.
It’s like the classic story of the guy who has a bunch of natural talent but pisses it away vs. the guy who grinds away and works hard and gets rewarded eventually.
Don’t need fast reflexes at all. The encounters are all scripted. If you are “reacting” to the things happening you are doing it wrong lol.
Again…you don’t need to process anything fast. It’s more about…how many times does it take you to memorize a song perfectly word for word? Some people can do it faster, some slower, but everyone can do it if they practice enough.
Sure, but as stated, this has nothing to do with lightning reflexes, powerful strength, superior intelligence, or anything of the sort.
This is a challenge of optimizing your gear and then memorization. Memorizing what abilities you are going to use in what order, and memorizing what abilities the boss does in what order.