Both of these can be true at the same time because they do not conflict with each other. Twins is easier for mage than warlock, but it still takes effort for the mage. It’s easier, but it’s still not a free win.
Good, finally something good from you. Yes, let us discuss this thing with facts without intervening with your “git gud” mumbo jumbo.
See ya.
Not necessarily. The challenges aren’t perfectly balanced by any means, but they are all doable, and they expose those who can do and those who can’t.
You are correct in that comparing between classes doesn’t exactly work, but that same havoc DH is definitely worse than the other havoc DH’s that have completed the tower.
And frankly, that’s where Blizzard should aim to bring Warlock. The fact most Affs did it with the 15 minute AFK strat and despawning adds should tell you that Raest having 201k health is just sheer lunacy.
The whole strat now is basically you dotting Agony all over and not missing a beat to get Drain Life in time before Shadow bolts murder you. Meanwhile, Frost Mage, all you do is pump Frozen Orbs into Raest with insta cast Blizzards to get its cooldown reset as much as possible, while running around in a circle with massive mobility tools and multiple insta-cast snares and slows.
When there’s massively more Arms Warriors who can, vs much less Havocs who cannot, the goal should be to bring the Havoc scenario in line, so that everyone gets a fair chance, not be screwed because they “picked wrong” on the character creation screen.
Now, I would argue that the real problem is that Raest has too little health for mage, not that warlock is too hard.
Nah, felt just perfect honestly. Felt just like it did in Legion. Big P2/P4 burns, super chaotic but quick P5. Basically, much better nostalgia and still has somewhat of a bite to it.
I disagree. The challenges don’t need to be perfectly balanced. All the challenges are completely doable, none of them award any type of player power, and at the end of the day…they aren’t earning the same rewards.
Also, DH has the easiest tank challenge, so you can always just go vengeance.
Yes, they should be as close as possible so that your mastering of your kit is what matters, not that you picked the wrong class for it.
Not all players are created equal. When 50th Percentile Arms Warriors can do it, but you need to be an 80th Percentile Havoc to do it, it’s just not fair.
And things should be fair.
This is literally the biggest cop out. “Just go do that other scenario instead, in a spec you maybe don’t even enjoy”. Rather than you know, just tune some numbers to make the Xylem fight more fair.
I don’t get why some people like you are against tuning these to be fair. What would it change for you ?
I think that’s a cause for SOME of the mad. I also think there is a fair bit from players who know they are mediocre at best and are upset that in such a lackluster expansion a bit of content that was potentially fun finally came out and they have almost no chance of beating it.

Not all players are created equal. When 50th Percentile Arms Warriors can do it, but you need to be an 80th Percentile Havoc to do it, it’s just not fair.
And things should be fair.
its more like a 70th percentile arms can clear it but you need to be 80th percentile for havoc. It’s not that big of a leap.

its more like a 70th percentile arms can clear it but you need to be 80th percentile for havoc.
im certainly not an 80th percentile havoc and i cleared it.
I’m just trying to say the guys use of hyperbole doesn’t do him any favours.

it’s just not fair.
Life isn’t fair.

I don’t get why some people like you are against tuning these to be fair.
Because a lot of people already finished the challenge and it kind of is what it is at this point. Either do the challenge if you want or don’t if you aren’t enjoying yourself.

its more like a 70th percentile arms can clear it
No. Arms is stupid easy. Crusader makes you glide through P1 without even trying. It’s like 2k gold to make all P1 mechanics completely trivial.
That leaves the P2 burn. Get some good trinkets instead of the garbage we have in SL, and that damage check just melts away. My Warrior was revered with Rustbolt, so I had cyclotronic, and then he’s an engineer, so I used 300g of mats to make a Dragonling for that big +36 secondaries and the dragon pet.

Life isn’t fair.
This isn’t life, it’s a video game. One were numbers can be adjusted to make things more fair.
What a ridiculous come back.

Because a lot of people already finished the challenge and it kind of is what it is at this point.
I finished a bunch that I wouldn’t care if they were brought back down. I’m not much into the “I got mine so screw you” mentality.
With the same amount of investment havoc is just as trivial.

I also think there is a fair bit from players who know they are mediocre at best and are upset that in such a lackluster expansion a bit of content that was potentially fun finally came out and they have almost no chance of beating it.
So…lazy people? Why don’t they just practice and get better? Why do they have no chance?

With the same amount of investment havoc is just as trivial
Nope, even with double crusader, the healing just isn’t there in P1 without using Razor Ice to get fragments and there’s nothing you can really do for intermission except the “Book it” strat where if you get lucky with a spawn and start from the middle, you’ll get a nice transition, if not, reset and go again.
You’ll spend massively more attempts on Havoc than Arms.
The mage tower doesn’t need nerfs. It is supposed to be challenging.
You can pick up a recolored version of the cosmetic armor sets from Mythic tomb of sargeras. That should pose no challenge for you if you’re level 60.
But what about the other classes then? Is frost dk, sub rogue and survival hunter to be tuned to the same caliber? Is the difference large enough to validate the time invested to make these changes? Do you have the numbers to confirm that a larger percentage of Arms warriors are clearing it or are you feelcrafting.

This isn’t life, it’s a video game.
It’s actually both, and both life and this video game aren’t perfectly fair my friend.
If it was tied to content that actually awarded player power you would have a legitimate complaint, but as the mage tower exists as a challenge that provides the reward of a prestigious transmog there isn’t really anything to complain about.
Sure arms warrior might be easier, but the harder challenge mogs will be more rare and therefore more prestigious and come with more clout. Similarly, you might hate the look of the arms warrior mog and love the DH one, so trying to make everything perfectly “fair” is a futile waste of energy.