Spear is a death sentence to Mistweavers. Can’t even port out of it
Frost Trap
Scatter Shot
Why would you focus on Turtle from that list as that is the only option? Is it because your narrative isn’t that strong to begin with?
Why in the hell would I EVER frost trap a dps when the healer can simply dispel the trap. This tells me you have no idea what to do in arena.
This would be logical, until Leap right back onto my face
Oh you mean my crit protection that isn’t actually a wall in anyway? Amazing logic.
I’m actually surprised you didn’t mention my 3min CD 6 sec 40% wall. I also didn’t even bother putting in the 2 stacks of charge/root most Warrs have that will just pin me down further as a Hunter. Whats charge CD like 6 secs for each charge?
Well, depends on what class it is that is having this problem. As you’re posting from a hunter, you can turtle their spear go and you can use master’s call to get out of warbringer and can tar trap then disengage to get distance.
Frosting a Spear if the healer’s dispel is on cooldown would always be an option… seems like your arena knowledge is lacking. You must be pretty skilled on the twitch though to get to 1600 on MM in 2s. I’ll give you that, but you could do better on your knowledge.
The second point . . . you were talking about defensives against spear . . . not mobility of the warrior
Third point . . . spear adds 25% crit damage . . . not sure you knew that. Knowledge again.
Too bad you don’t slow down to understand parts of the game, you probably would be pretty fierce.
It’s the only option I have, there is no other way to live a spear without using my 3min Turtle. Next spear? I die regardless.
Gotta kill before the next spear then.
I don’t know what to tell you…but maybe I could get you to watch some videos or streamers. They survive just fine no turtle.
If you read my original reply in this same thread you would see I said…
I’m pretty sure I know the game atleast slightly to know what spear does. And no Hunter streamers do not survive the second spear. Without an immunity for the Hunter even through my 40% wall I die in spear unless I get some sort of peels.
This is where I would say I could possibly rely on my teammates to stop the next spear damage, but even if the Warr isn’t smacking me in his unbreakable Spear root his melee teammate is beating my face in.
I really don’t enjoy spear either. I miss it half of the time
That is a crazy fast time frame. End the arena match in a minute after I blew my defensive? Yea it’s possible, but jesus dude that is not a fun clock to play against.
Spear should work like a demon hunters sigil it should take 2 seconds to activate to at least give some type of hope to escape it or punish people who stay in it
That would kill it completely
Ngl I don’t use spear anymore I just use thunderous roar and I think it’s pretty good in pvp. It works pretty well for me.
The problem isn’t spear it’s sharpen blade that makes healing worthless
Where do I get a 10 second spear? Mine only last for 6.
Also of all classes to complain about kiting a warrior, no class has an easier time than hunter.
You get my point, 10 secs, 6 secs if you can’t kill me in 6 seconds in a spear thats on you lol.
You do know you have dcds and healers right? Not my fault if your healer and yourself can’t push buttons.
uh you are an idiot
What immunity should I go for on your second spear? First spear yea I can deal because I’ll turtle shell it. Second spear? I’m a goner if I can’t disengage it.