Nerf Spear

sure thing, sure thing

dont forget they can kill your pet for a refresh before 30 secs

LOL oh yea I forgot, yea Arms really is struggle bus.

It’s ok, you’re slow on the uptake, dw about it.

Total struggle.

sure thing, sure thing. everything is just a troll and nothing is real on the internet

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I mean if it wasn’t a total struggle and Arms is just fine then changing a MINOR ability like Spear shouldn’t hurt arms at all right?

I mean since we are disregarding 3+ minute defensive CDs, I’d assume 1.5min Offensive CDs are like nothing right?

I agree as well, spear shouldn’t yoink if you’re immune or broke the effect.

Or we could just give the hunter additional options to break the tether and maybe give them more mobility? I mean, why not be in the habit of giving rather than taking? Giving is nice.

I don’t think you see a common theme right now in Blizzards decisions on Hunter in general. Hunter so far has received ZERO changes when it comes to meaningful PvP help. I really do not expect Blizzard to address this in the near future either. Especially with the patch notes for 10.0.5 already out and the only Hunter change is Double Tap removal.

So no I’m not going to hold my breath on Hunter changes, what I will advocate for is reducing other classes to a point where Hunter MIGHT have some viability again…and this is a big MIGHT because there is so many things wrong with the class right now one simple change to Spear won’t fix it. But it’s a start.

But yea I agree, making a change to SPEAR that allows classes that use movement immunity effects like Master’s Call and Ret Freedom would absolutely be a good change to SPEAR.

In other words, you’re being bitter and spiteful because you feel left out. Not gonna lecture you on how immature that is, but I do agree that Master’s call and freedom should remove the tether, and if you think Warrior is busted, idk what to tell you lol.

so is this trolling then? Because your really inconsistent with your tone. But ok

This is pretty much the general consensus yea, even before the buffs it’s about to get Warr is ridiculously good in multiple comps like KFC and Ret/Warr. It’s just about to go S++ tier.

And this wouldn’t be a change to anything other than SPEAR itself. Spear just needs a rework man, it’s not like it’s some OLD OLD Warrior ability thats been around since the inception of WoW…it’s some Shadowlands trash that was carried over.

Warrior S++ tier lol? You’re too much man lmao.

No, that wasn’t trolling, it was trolling when I made it obvious I being nonsensical and even said as much in the next post. You genuinely missed it man, it’s alright lol.

yet you make the claim warrior isn’t currently over the top, you’re just covering trolling with fried takes. I’ve known plenty of zug warriors that made the claim warrior defensives are bad and they only have parry

How many modifiers and boosts you can sink into a bladestorm go really feels similar to the situation with doubletap. You have two stacks of martial prowess for a +60% damage on mortal strike, sharpen for another +15% and big ms, plus all of the other modifier talents you’ve put into MS. You use warbreaker spear and then either avatar or storm. Avatar casts bladestorm by itself and is off gcd. Bladestorm casts avatar by itself and casts two mortal strikes that benefit from sweeping, the first of which gets the +75% damage/extra ms from sharpen and martial. It’s just too much output from one button that does everything for you.

There is way too much extra poured into a random mortal strike that gets cast by itself in the middle of your biggest damage go that also makes you completely immune to stops and also gives a bigger MS. The fact that your go grants your damage cooldown and your damage cooldown grants your go by itself is just laughably faceroll compared to everything else i’ve played this expansion. The way to play warrior correctly is just easier than a lot of other stuff.

Sharpen should be on global. You should not be able to macro sharpen and sweeping together. The effect of a sweeping strikes MS on two distinct targets is enough that you should have to spend two globals on it. Unhinged should be nerfed in PvP akin to how windlord was nerfed. Free mortal strikes from unhinged should not benefit from modifiers in PvP. Avatar should also be a global. You should be able to be disarmed mid-bladestorm. Spear should only pull once, like grippy hands.

That is the most rogue thing I’ve ever seen.

RMX - Dominating arena since the dawn of time.

Lol, another warrior who doesn’t realise they have a FREE stun every 30 sec. Warriors have disarm. You have diminishing returns on stuns so a kidney into cheap shot would last 0.3 seconds. Plenty of time for you warriors to lolstorm or use spear of bastion into some big crits that one shot rogues. Die by the sword to parry our attacks. Did I miss anything?


Dude, just say it. You’re big-mad that rogues aren’t dominating for once. Die by the sword is a trash defensive-

Stun, stand behind them… WOAH, you can magically hit through 100% parry.

You quite literally have sap and blind, and if your healer is unlucky enough to get sapped you’re severely behind. He’s got to trinket something, and he’s going to eat a blind or a Kidney/Cheapshot.

And no, it wouldn’t be 0.3 seconds. 4-5 combo points is what 5-6 seconds? A cheap-shot after would be 2 seconds after DR.