If the Hunter pops turtle than what does the warrior do?
Waits until turtle ends and insta kills the Hunter? I mean thats typically the easy way to do it. Also you can’t leave Spear even if you turtle shell since Spear is now physical and Shell doesn’t remove debuffs from you.
Yeah but the warrior can’t damage you and the spear will end before turtle. So you’ve effectively countered the spear lol. Like I said, it’s a major CD, be prepared to use a CD to counter it.
1.5 min CD for a Hunters only defensive option on a 3min CD is not really a trade. Warr can just hold Avatar and throw the spear to let his teammate pummel the Hunter until shell then proceed to pop Avatar and Warbreaker to delete the Hunter with a sharpen.
Like I said not a good trade to force the only defensive available.
Hit the partner or pet, usually, and play around blowing them up in the next spear.
The caveat of playing hunter lol. You get tons of mobility and damage, you lose defense. Doesn’t mean nerf the Warriors spear, maybe hunter needs a buff?
Not like a Warr doesn’t play with a Feral whos bleeds just nuke a Hunter in shell, and if it doesn’t kill the Hunter in shell it nukes the Hunters pets anyways haha. Or a Warr play with a Ret who one shots the Hunter inside the spear and forces turtle shell within 1.5 seconds.
“Tons of mobility” I keep seeing this as a common theme like “tons of mobility” isn’t given to every melee spec in the game and it’s some sort of holy grail to a Hunter…every class has equal or more mobility than a Hunter now.
Thats comical, Blizzard buffing Hunter defensives Hunters only shot is every other class getting nerfed. There will never be Hunter defensive buffs.
Ok, but who the warrior pairs with isn’t the argument here, the argument is about the warriors spear. If you’re getting nuked by a paladin, that’s a hunter or paladin thing, ig you’re getting mauled by a feline, well, you’re a hunter getting killed by a cat. I’d be embarassed personally.
But on a serious note, Spear has a 1.5 minute CD, Kidney shot is a 6 second stun on a 20 second CD, why aren’t you complaining about that lol? Just pair with a Frost Mage to keep the warrior pinned, or a class with lots of peel.
Because we’ve learned that it’s pointless to complain about Rogues and have accepted they’ll be as they are until the servers go down. Spear, however, might get tweaked after the limb changes, etc.
Why should a 5 min cd have to be used to defend against a 1.5 min one?
Exactly, there is no shot Kidney is going away anytime soon. This has been the cancer of WoWs existence for eons. Spear yoinking people infinitely though is not something out of the realm of possibilities to be looked at for adjustment.
This right here
You’re acting like removing the multiple spear yoinks would make the ability completely useless. As long as blizz just gave the Warr 6 seconds of increased crit against the target you should be absolutely fine with it. It would just act like a debuff on the target than can’t be dispelled or feigned.
This atleast gives Hunter some chance to actually get away (although highly unlikely with double charge root, leap etc) it still gives more of chance for counter play other than “just turtle”
I see you editted, but yeah if people leave the spear the crit doesn’t exist lol. Think it’s a little childish to try and get a class nerfed cause you think it’s useless to get rid of other powerful CD’s. Sorry ya’ll have to use defensives to handle offensive CD’s lol. I fight warriors all the time and the Spear is the least of my concerns. At least for Fury the Sustain is a little rediculous, but Arena’s are a team effort in general. Where is your team during all this lol?
Binding shot, steel trap, frost trap, concussive shot, disengage, scattershot. Are these all not available other than turtle?
This can easily be changed to a debuff as soon as the spear “touches” the person. Just put a 6 sec debuff so even if they leave spear they still have it? Like thats not difficult to change.
Burning CDs to keep me alive even if I turtle shell? Hunter isn’t immune inside a Turtle shell btw. We still take insane damage if we have full bleeds, dots anything on us.
Yes I’m going to steel trap a warrior in melee range against me while I’m stuck in a spear. Very good.
Stops 3 seconds of spear, for the other three I just die?
Cant take this with scatter and would actually be even more troll considering they’d already be in my face melee range while I’m in spear so they wouldn’t need to leave binding shot to get stunned?
I’ll pretend you didn’t say this, and if you actually did mean to type it…I just can’t imagine why you’d think frost trapping a dps is ever a good idea as a Hunter considering Frost trap gets insta dispelled by the healer and sets the Hunter back completely in any 3v3 match.
Yes let me disengage out of the spear…oh wait you can’t.
Yes let me concussive the melee beating my face in while I’m stuck in a never ending spear that keeps me in melee range and I can’t leave.
I’m actually surprised you didn’t mention Master’s Call…but if you had still same scenario doesn’t get me out of spear.
Yet you have all of those tools and you still don’t use them until you get hit by the spear lol…
You also have survival of the fittest, and a couple other defensives, but hey, I guess logic for you is to simply take tools away from other classes instead of using the ones you have lol. Play Dark Iron dwarf and all the dots and bleeds become your strength.
a Rogue that has like 37 ways of CC complaining about a CC. Interesting.
Survival of the fittest would not save me from two melees beating my face in and forcing me to stay next to them like some hostage with psychological trauma. “couple other defensives”, feign death prevents 1 sec of damage, exhil heal (heals about 5% HP with damp and sharpen)…those are about it.
And why do you think a Warrior is throwing spears from 100 yards away? I’ve never seen a warrior throw a spear across the arena so I have time to CC him with a slow lol
Yes the race I chose is why I die in spear…I must race change immediately.