Nerf Spear

Quit crying


let them see ur 1 2 step

I can’t even.

Yes I get beat to death trying to cloak vanish it

Then stand your ground and throw a spear coward or get off my class

PvP in general relies too much on taking away the enemy players agency over their character. There definitely should be a limit on how many time spear can pull someone back.


I agree this is way op and should be nerfed, we arcane mage got double damage barrage the blizzard thinks it’s OP and nerf it to 65%, how can they allow this death trap to stay?

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if you roll out of it and then port as its pulling you back it will break

i think if youre a god gamer you can also just walk out and port in the .1 second of pull animation but i think rolling makes it easier

When you get that win rate up above 41% I will, deal?

Me being bad doesnt make you not a coward

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You know what? I respect that. GGs

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Rog qqing about other classes.

I think a large part of that is the popularity of warrior and the fact you have players like Bahjeera who make consistent content and guides for Warriors making it a very accessible class overall. Slap on the cominance of prot in PvE and you have a lot of warriors.

I agree though, Warrior is really strong.

Honestly I have no issue with Arms warrior specifically being in a good place, I just don’t care for a mechanic like spear being in the game.

Strength for any class is fine, as long as it has some sort of reasonable counterplay by most classes/comps

It’s actually crazy how much hate warriors get on these forums when they’re legitimately so far from OP, half the time I can’t even get an invite to rated groups over a DH/DK. But sure, keep complaining about us.

Says the rogue.

There are tons of classes that can completely walk out of spear though. It really isn’t all that incredible. Strong sure, but OP? Not really.

Could you remind me which classes/what abilities? Evoker and DK are the only two that have an easy time getting out off the top of my head

Pretty sure Rogue can use Evasion or a well timed shadowstep. Pallies can walk out with bubble, warriors can bladestorm, Monk’s have gotten out of it pretty easily through roll + trans. A lot of classes can get out of it and have gotten out of it when I used it, sometimes they have to use 2 movement CD’s sometimes not, but it’s a major damage CD for the warrior, it’s not supposed to be something you can just walk out of.

Not all classes can get out of spear, Hunters already have an insane time kiting any melee class right now. Spear is just trolling at this point. One yoink, keep your crit damage buff and be done with it. Thats all.