Nerf Rogues please blizz! Rogues are too op

I’m joking, of course. Rogues are fine. Don’t nerf em blizz.

I just cannot fathom why people are so salty over them, it’s not like they’re over the top over powered.
You’re just bad simple as, stop coping and lying to yourself, admit it there’s no shame in it, you don’t know how to deal with them. The game isn’t the problem it’s you.

I never understood the Sub rogue complaining. I never had issue dealing with them, yes they do lots of damage and are tricky but if you know what you’re doing you can shoo them pretty easily.

Rogues are a assassin class, you as a non-rogue need to be prepared and break their tricks like say for example, being a warrior and using berserker or hunter using flares ect. Rogues rely on stuns, deny them of that, thwart them ect and you’ll see how easy they’re to kill, they wear leather too, take more dmg and less stamina.

I never had any major issues with them or felt as if they were a unkillable menace. Playing one further removes this notion that they’re unkillable

Queue’ing in BG’s further proved it. People are not even trying to stop me from stunning or playing accordingly to undo me, no defenses or anything theyre just letting me stun them and get easy bursts. Not even popping self-healing either which puts me in CC hell. I can’t help but to think,- that yeah, these are the people that cry about rogues being OP.


I dream of working at blizzard balance department.
You get to watch youtube all day and your buddies will cover you so you don’t get fired.

I played a RGB game against 10 sub rogues last night … we won easily but it was an interesting experience .

You don’t deserve a nerf because you’re OP, you deserve one because you’re the worst kind of players.

I don’t even lose to rogues 1v1 in world pvp, even when I’m getting attacked by groups of mobs/elites. But good god, how salty you guys get whenever you can’t kill someone in the cheapest fashion. Just yesterday I encountered 2 rogues who I promptly stomped after they tried to gank me numerous times. And both times it ended the same way: they followed me around, sapping me until the dr ran out, blinding me, all in an attempt to get on my nerves. There were plenty of other players in the zone who they probably could’ve actually beat, but nope "this guy killed me so I have to follow him around and harass him since I can’t actually kill him. "

You get to pick and choose your battles, have stupid amounts of damage, cc, and get-out-of-jail-free buttons, and then when you still end up losing you get more petty than all the people complaining about you. I hope you get nerfed into the worst pvp class in the game just so most of you quit or reroll druid.

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99% of rage whispers I have received in SL are from salty sub rogues who wiffed their opener.


bro calm down ur embarrassing your self

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logical argument

What’s embarrassing is having every tool at your disposal to gank someone and still dying.

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Rogues have too much Burst , CC, and Survival. One of those three needs toning!

To be fair, the people doing that wanted to get under your skin and it’s pretty clear they did. Those types of Rogues are the absolute worst though, 100% agree.

Lol this clown again. Warrior complaining about Rogues, gotta love it.


It’s not even the sapping and blinding that gets under my skin, it’s the fact that they have the nerve to get salty despite having every advantage in open world.


Yep, warriors and Ret paladins and Boomkins are the most egregious offenders right now, followed closely by MM Hunters. The people crying about Rogues are just clueless and will always have a hate-chubby for Rogues.

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Ok? and there are classes that have stuff that rogues dont have. Some have pets, the class ur commenting on can see through stealth. Some classes can range far. Some Have disgusting healing. Idk why pointing something out like “dey hav stealth so op xd” means anything. And mainly this is a fantasy rpg game its kind of the rogue archetype to be a stalking scumbag lmfao, its their strength to play into it. Just like how a monk who is being constantly harrassed by said rogue will want to play into his style. A martial bruiser who has insane mobility. If they wanna run you wont catch them. But good argument tho just ignoring every other classes toolkit in the game and complaining about 1.

People who really relate to the rogue class remind me of people who yell and throw stuff from moving cars at people walking on the street. They act all tough like they can do something. But eventually that car stops. And they get handled.

Now not all people who play rogues are like this. But those who really love or relate to this type of class are kinda sad. I don’t know how many times a rogue is waiting to kill me when I’m low and opens up. Proceeds to fail and runs. Sometimes they are able to get away and hide again. Others they are just laying there on the ground a leather wearing bloody mess. Lol

I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for 1,000, Alex.

My comment must have struck a nerve with you dk.

Oh, now moving to the “I made you upset” phase of you trying to troll.

Not at all. You must main a rogue. You seem very mad at my statement of rogues.

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