Nerf Ret pallies

One of them really hurt me today in Blitz, literally floored me with Judgement and Final Verdict. Only 2 buttons? WoW.

Note to self… stay away from ret pallies.


They are one of the slowest specs, BoP only lasts 8 seconds if not 2 from a dispell. Engage from max range, use knocks and traps as needed. Rets can die about as easy as anything else. Rets range is 30yards max. A geared MM Hunter has about a 70 yard range, use slows and disengadge. While stealthed decide where you are going to go if they come for you. Drag them to bad positioning. Using the 3 hunter knocks, my new favorite thing is knocking people into the abyss(out of bounds), lava, and water.


Did you try pressing a defensive?


It all happened so fast. They were on cool down, I tried to kite but he just kept swinging.


That’s strange Rets arent that over tuned.
I don’t have any similar experience lately to agree or disagree. But if ret is op then blizz will smash them with a nerf bat no worries!! But MM….blizz grants MM 5% damage increase


april fools was at the beginning of the month


Judgement and FV combined does about 300k if they both crit. Your math does not add up mate.


Sometimes you run across a ret that seems to do three times the damage of other rets: comparing wings to wings. It’s probably talent build related. I don’t play ret much myself.


:musical_note: Look at my horse… my horse is amazing :musical_note:


FV was 4 hits for 634k (215k crit)
Judgement was 8hits for 540k

And sparkle some other spells in there. Not sure if Ret have an ability that shoot many judgements.

He might’ve had PI, he was always with a priest.

I was holding the flag in eots so I coudnt turtle…

just qued up for blitz tonight. gonna que up for rated this weekend. will have a better idea where classes are after i log some hours getting punched in the face by rets!

Divine Toll counts as a judgement and will auto throw out three more judgements after that every five seconds. So that’s four judgements from one Divine Toll.

The first of those four judgements is 100% increased damage.


Definitely the most telegraphed and least instant mobility option in the game. Catching all manner of CC during steed is no fun. "Alright, The hunter is 70 yd in that direction, Activate Steed! (Enemy casts fear) Cool now I’m fast in the wrong direction…


i lol’d at this. i dont even play paladin but activate fear steed made me lolz


season barely even started and people crying about paladin… please go back to LOL people.

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If they run crusade they will have bonus haste and an extra 9% damage over normal avenging wrath.

Since the ret the op referenced also had a priest, im guessing they may have combined pi and crusade.
Which will cause the ret to ramp very quickly and deal obscene levels of damage.


If you have no cds a ret will kill you in about 6 or 7 seconds, if they have no cds as MM you’ll kill them in 2 or 3 from 50 yards away. End of thread.


I took mine for a walk yesterday and it does seem to hit a little harder.

Nothing crazy but it was noticeable.

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Yeah I feel right now they are in a good place. They aren’t one shotting people. But tier sets aren’t out yet. That’s when blizz can’t handle the math involved

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Ret has same trash tier set as s3. So most people will run a combination of a 2set or none at all for max verse.