and they have a viable spec to switch to, how about priest? they won’t be asked to switch specs, they’ll be asked to re-roll. Priests have to be the best healers, by a mile, otherwise they are complete nonsense. thank you for reading, have a nice day.
It’s extremely annoying playing a disc when there’s another disc around. They cannobilize your PoM’s, you can’t renew a renewed target, they apply weakened soul and dont work to reduce it. Two priest have the worst synergy, there is no way PoM can bounce 10x, PoM will always choose a weakened target - if two PoMs exist they will converge on the same target every time and one will cannibalize all the charges of the other basically deleting the mana you spent for the spell…
Blizzard games have ALWAYS had a weird healer fetish. Instead of more dynamic choices like POM or the priest shield with damage reduction they have insanely highly tuned spells that can nullify several dps classes by itself.
I don’t know if I can think of another game that does this? Team Fortress 2?
At least in classic a healer could stop you from killing other people but they could be killed if focused, so that made the boring cat and mouse kind of fair. Now in WSG it feels like you can kind of ignore everyone EXCEPT healers (hyperbolic but you get the point).
In most games it’s considered toxic or bad game design to award turtling or defensive play as the best strategy because it is a denial of engagement in the game in the first place. So you have a class that instead of attacking you and using skill shots or the like they just try to dismiss your abilities and reset over and over. Is blue/white a big thing in MTG, because I imagine it would feel the same, counterspells and heals for days, maybe you get to play if you survive for a long time or get a really good zerg.
I think healing should have a very important and tactical role in PVP but I think WoW would need a bigger overhaul than is possible for that. But at the very least don’t make everyone so tanky that healing doesn’t have a real opportunity to fail. And if you won’t do that AT LEAST make healing/pets suffer the same 25% reduction in effectiveness so everyone has the same dps/hps relative to open world.
In wow I play 2 healers, mage and shaman. I play healers in a lot of games, I just wish their design was more like Omni Knight in dota 2, where your heals deal AOE burst damage, or has a limited number of stacks before it falls off but offers huge regen/protection if you can keep the stacks from dropping.
no one cares yeah shadow sucks, does not mean they should be op
Everyone uses shadow prot pots so you’re in really bad groups if you have to heal on that boss. Priests should be dpsing on that boss untill phase 2. Only cast penance once in a while
homon also blocks sunder from being applied
dude penance is great is castable in pvp u can just kick ez to counter in pve is also great, no need to nerf good things buff others healers instead druid buff mana reg,shaman need rework give earhshield 10x charges overload just need to double 100% of value the end
You should never tune based on PvP, I say this as someone who enjoys PvP. But tuning should be based on PvE and then utility should be given to handle PvP scenarios.
In this case, Penance is probably overturned in PvE and should be looked at. But the issue in PvP is a lack of healing reduction options. That will change in P2 so I don’t see this as an issue.
In hindsight… Maybe healing reduction should have been included in a class rune kit in P1? But that didn’t happen so just hold out until P2.
I agree with you. And it’s kinda nuts that after 60 years of wow blizzard still haven’t seperated spell functionality and power in pvp and PvE. But okay fine.
However. Penance is just straight up broken in both PvE and pvp and just needs a fat blanket nerf.
It costs no mana. Long range. Hard to interrupt. Short CD.
Funny people are defending penance. SOD has been great… but taking the strongest healer in WoW classic and giving them their strongest abilities in later xpacs has made them ridiculous. Simply by mana cost alone and tick rate, reducing this heal by half would still be a strong ability and be heal priority.
First SOD class was a 25 Priest. I found it very unfun. Penance… wand wand… penance.
Seems to me like all these other healers need to quit crying about priests and make thought-out suggestions to bring up their own healing spec in line with priests
Like for real, where all the OG holy paladins at?
Yall remember how freaking amazing holy paladins were in pvp. The tears. I saw a cute lil dwarf chick doing her thing in a premade. Took me back to those days.
I respect that a lot. Wish i could make an alliance toon on one of the pvp servers but they all locked. I would love to give holy paladin a go, especially with how warriors are pumping right now, should be fun.
If this is the case then it should be nerfed immediately!
…but it’s not, so what now?
He is using hyperbole.
Il demonstrate how this works:
Cast Pom. Then cast penance. The first tick of Pom + your penance healing will do about 700 healing which is likely over 60% of the targets hp.
If they started at 10% hp they will be at 70%. Then Pom keeps bounce and they are topped off. Not to mention Pom can bounce 5 times in a single gcd.
Also both spells cost less mana than lesser healing wave. While a single tick of each heals for as much. Meaning that they are over 5 times and 3 times as effective as lesser healing wave
Making other healers be “in line” with current priests would do nothing but make PvE faceroll and pvp would just be immortal healers making sure nobody dies like in retail but without any damage cooldowns to actually counter the healing. Every fight in WSG would just be a long slog of waiting for healers to go oom and staggering respawns making the battle never end
Priests can’t currently do anything else but heal. One of the most popular responses to the calls to buff shadow is, “well sOmeOnE HaS tO bE aT tHe BoTtOM oF tHE mEtErS” and somehow that logic reversed isn’t allowed to hold when people talking about healing
So I wanna put a little perspective on my opinion. When I first leveled this chick I stopped for months at level 36 just because I enjoyed WSG and AB so much. I pvped for hours everyday and had full sets of the available gear from those BGs at the time.
Back then I was damn near unkillable while in disc spec with strong mana and heals, while rarely if ever having to drink. I glued myself to the flag carriers and won most games I played. Simply put back then I enjoyed it because at that level I felt extremely strong in pvp where as questing I was always running out of mana(refused to wand because it was boring) doing little damage to mobs and had limited use of my actual strong spells, healing, to progress.
When I did finally start leveling it was exclusively in dungeons. I had chain pulls of SM because DPS didn’t kill runners, I experience paladin AoE pulls for the first time, and kept groups alive with warriors who couldn’t hold aggro.
At all stages with the basic kit I felt extremely strong at these lower levels in group content.
Now in SoD we have blown so far past that to the point of it being ridiculous. I can give the tank PWS/PoM prepull and then ignore them completely until around 50-25% HP because Penance will bring them back to full. I hardly if ever drink in dungeons outside of absolute SHTF moments but even then I am able to handle them fairly easy and with little to no real feeling like someone will die.
Priest baseline kit at this level is already one of if not the best in the game for group content, I would say intentionally so as it promotes group content to have strong healers. The addition of Penance and PoM at this level, however, pushes us so far beyond what is reasonable it really is insane. Scaling at higher levels might fix it but right now there is no denying disc priests especially are playing the game in godmode.
Priest are fine, Pen is a cast that can be kicked
Exactly. And if everyone are ok with shadow dps being a meme because “there always has to be a class in last place on damage after all” then everyone should be ok with priests being the best healers in the game since there always has to be a class in first place on healing after all
Also btw shadow is now very good in pvp. Obviously disc is better, but w.e.
I run plague/Pom/swd. U can usually just spam Pom on cd and ur team lives. And my swd is hitting for 280 in wsg with the damage reduction. Swd is legit the best offensive spells rn imo.