Nerf Paladins

Yup trade it for dispersion and get a 30% dps bump

Posts claiming “nerf x class” should be required to attach a link to a video of the fight that caused them to post their complaint. Not that its ever going to happen, but it would be easy access to some hilarious clips.


would love to see the fight play out as OP stated it went down.

Prob a video of OP mouse clicking his abilities and scrolling the one action bar looking for his other abilities.

repentence, paladin catch up, with his faster walking speed from long arm of the law and then stun for 4 sec wich you die instantly since ur in travel form. gg

This post is definitely not a druid and his alt druid talking to each other about something clearly satirical. And it certainly isn’t a shaman post. Nothing to see here.

YOu wrote alot of nothing here good sir, Paladin is one of the fastest class in game, get ur fact straight they walk faster then any other class with Long arm of the law, they also have access to a 20 yard repentence to sap a target allowing them to quickly get on them, after that a nice little stun paired with 80% of your SoD abilities that ignore armor since blizzard tried to buff them for PVE and yes my 2.7k health disapear under their damage. plz stop writting stuff like that we are all less intelligent for reading you.

can’t repentance a druid in travel form. THE MORE YOU KNOW

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I wish I was allowed to post screenshot and video so all the trolls could stop pretending that being able to 3 shot someone while urself ur immune isnt toxic for the game.

We’re not OP yet. Wait for Phase 3 to come out and us to get our ranged instant execute first. Start complaining in a couple weeks from now.

I don’t wanna be rude, but paladins don’t have Long Arm in SoD. Ret gets 8% movement speed from talents (which is the same speed from the boot enchant, and they don’t stack). So no, we aren’t the fastest class. Shamans/hunters/druids/rogues and even sometimes warriors (with the right rune) are faster than paladins.

Its 8% and you can match that speed with a boot speed enchant. Learn the ropes!

I think most paladins would trade a 50% damage reduction while bubbled for some kind of snare.

Learn to use consumes next phase.

Paladins have plenty to even out the the fact that we have a bubble and LoH.

We are as slow as priests without the range DoTs that tick half your health before you even reach them.

Remember that priests ALSO get an “OP ability” and albeit the fact that it “only” reduces 90% of damage done to them it also returns 36% of their max mana back and is on a 2 min CD.

LoH is on a 1 hour cooldown, so the situations a paladin will use this ability is extremely limited and if you’re trading kills with this person, like what often happens in world PvP, they will not be able to use it more than once per hour that you’re killing eachother.

This isn’t retail, and there is no long arm of the law. Pursuit of Justice is 8% speed and doesn’t stack with anything, minor boot speed is just as fast which everyone should have for PvP. As a balance druid, you have access to boot speed, travel form and sprint, this makes you far faster, make sure to use root also.

If they catch up to you, that means you have screwed up, and while that might put you at a little bit of a disadvantage, overall a good balance druid will still have a the advantage over ret paladin unless of course they decide to face tank the paladin, especially while the paladin is bubbled. Obviously if the paladin initiates the fight, all bets are off, but usually the person initiating the fight has a huge advantage and class isn’t as much a factor.

Here is a hint, for paladins, never let them get within 10 yards of you, that and get some gear with stamina, if your dying so fast a priest can’t keep you up against a paladin, then you have terrible gear and they likely do as well. Balance druids have some amazing heals also, most druids I know could easily keep themselves up, so learn to use your tools, and learn to kite. This is simply a skill issue right now, its not a class issue, and the better PvPer won.

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:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:
This person knows what they are talking about.

Pretty sure repentance only works on humanoids in classic…if you are in travel form guess what what repentance doesnt work on…

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Learn your class, don’t need feral swiftness for 150% speed dash if you are indoor or 140% travel form if you are outdoor. Enchant your boots for 8% speed then you are on equal foot with a wheelchair ret pally.

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You don’t know how to play the game if you cannot 1v1 a Paladin.

use a swiftness potion like paladins have to in every fight