Nerf Orc Before Cross-faction PvP

would be all for racials being disabled in pvp but they also need to reduce stun duration also so rogues dont continue to run rampant like they have been for how many years

Nerf Rogue Kidney Shot to 5 sec in PvP (Also HOJ and anyother toxic 6+ sec stun).

Remove Orc Racial and make it more inline - IE damage reduc in stuns + orc blood fury.

Buff Dranei and other cool classes to playable also. (make reasonable QOL updates to all racials). They don’t have to be balanced, but def not outdated to the point pointless.

I like racials and how they add flavor to your character. I think it would be fairly easy for them to make all of them appealing too. Just off the top of my head could make goblin jump a small immunity frame, could make worgen have an insta short duration run/stampede that can’t be slowed, could make the nightbornw slow a knockback with like a lingering 1 sec 90% slow, etc. It’s fairly easy to make all of these different and desirable. They just don’t put in any effort to do it.

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Blizzard developers are so out of touch when it comes to game design, wow was initially made by people who came from Everquest and tried to copy their rp formula, with trying to make racials something unique, it worked in EQ for that era of mmo, but it’s god awful in world of warcraft.

Racials have always been a stupid concept in later versions of the game for pvp/pve to the point where it forced people to play a certain race just to be competitive in pvp or pve, I still don’t understand why they keep developing the game like it’s still 2004.

Just make racials a fun RP thing not something that’s active in arenas/bgs/raiding ect it got old like 8 years ago.

Yes please. +1

Honestly I swear they don’t need to nerf orc they just need to give every race 20% sstun reduction and give orc something different.

There is a reason everyone is orc. Game is way too fast and when I play DH or paladin I feel it so so hard

just remove racials already they been a pain for a long time, just turn them into toys or something, or remove them in instanced pvp/pve