Nerf mythic Sylvanas already

Mythic Sanctum of Domination Sylvanas has still yet to be nerfed. how many weeks must I wait before I can challenge her on my Hunter class?

i don’t think anyone worries about two expansions old content when they got Retail, Classic, SoM, Cataclysm and Anniversary to work on…

As many weeks as it takes to get semi geared. Unless your hunter is severely under geared then it shouldn’t be an issue.

Definitely 0, my hunter is comfortably clearing her solo

I’ve full cleared mythic SoD on many classes at 580 (WW, ret, feral, balance, BM hunter, Dps DH, ele shaman, spriest etc).

I am sure there are folks who have done it with worse ilvl, but for me personally, 580 is super comfortable.

With the gear being thrown at you, shouldn’t be hard to get around 580 at all.