Nerf Hybrid-DPS self sustain and off healing

The best PvP expansions are the ones when no DPS has offhealing. Sure one or two CDs for survivability as DPS is fine. Anything else is over powered.

The real problem is consistent self sustain from any DPS. It takes no skill and is nothing but toxic. This would eliminate so much toxic pillar humping for no reason.

There’s literally nothing more brain dead than too much self sustain and over powered off heals. It’s not like hybrid DPS lack damage or CC anymore with all the CC nerfs over time to pure DPS.

Also remove retail Andy glad. With that removing glad from anyone received retail Andy glad.


read this and knew you had no idea what you are talking about off the first sentence thank you


Retail Andy alert

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lost count of my attempts at understanding this


TLDR; Glad is a joke the last two expansions. Most expansions 2600+ wasn’t glad. Any terrible player can abuse OP until 2400. I played the first season of BFA and Shadowlands, hands down the worst PvP of any expansion. I main Affliction which were trash both because of terrible blizzard balance. If affliction is bad I heal terribly and still got duelist super undergeared on RSham/RDrood/MW. I don’t think there’s ever been a lower skill cap than BFA/Shadowlands. Multiple 2600 season player if that helps.



are you ok

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Someone’s been watching too many Classic streams.


You rly think there was bad off healing from hybrids in WoTLK?

pure dps like mages/hunters/locks/rogues sure was pretty minimal self healing or self sustain which is good

But hybrids had non irrelevant off healing


Andy didn’t deserve this.


RIP Andy murdered by a sentence in his prime


This reads like a 50 year old looking up ‘no cap’ on Urban Dictionary, and trying to use it in sentences.


Dank post. This lock is definitely giving me big yikes vibes. I think he’s just salty. I’m not going to give him the W. here. We’re definitely living rent free in his head. If he keeps this up he’s going to catch these hands, no cap. Anyways I hope this post passed the vibe check. Bussin’.


Ah yes I agree

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Thicc post, playa.

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Slaps. GOAT.

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so you propose we just press our buttons on each other and which ever class hits harder wins?

Yea, no thanks, stop watching venruki

What expansion is this

plays affliction where life drain tops you off

I think he’s having a stroke