I had a wipe at like 990 hp on the boss. At that point it was pretty much guaranteed I could kill it, but it still took me like another 10 pulls to finally get it down. That’s how it goes. You already know you can do it…just do it.
After my ill-fated effort and response from support confirming a bug with not receiving the achievement and form. I and others suffer from completing the challenge and not getting the form and achievement we rightfully earned.
"I can imagine how devastating this all has been. Firstly, I want to say great job in completing the tank challenge. It was always the most difficult one in my opinion. Reading over our known issues, we have seen reports over this issue cropping up. Currently we aren’t able to assist due to customer support not having the troubleshooting data to temporary fix it.
In the meantime, I submitted my own bug report for the issue. Our teams are looking into it"
-This is a portion of the response I received after proving my efforts and success. Yet 0 help on my actual achievement and form.
-The Blizzard devs and game masters have made it clear they have zero care for the players mental health.
The onus is not on the developers or customer support of a video game to care for your wellbeing like that. If you’re struggling in those areas, talk to someone who can actually help you.
Thorven, the troll, how about you step away to your bridge.
I speak on this subject because of posts and things people are saying regarding it.
As an IT professional and one that builds support teams, I have a substantial grip on how things work.
You can go hang out with Thorven under his bridge too.
My effort has not reached its end. With an unyielding will, I will complete it again. Nerf or no nerf.
Takes time to work off that frustrated mindset, I’m sure any logical person can understand.
Well, I guess it is possible, it’s been escalated. It will be my luck, ill complete it again and they will reply from the escalation that they will give it to me lol.
I advocate for a nerf because I truly feel it is needed for the greater majority of the player base, and the life of the game itself. While this is a broad subject with so many classes, I speak for the guardian tower alone. memegenerator.net/img/instances/63437594/i-serve-the-realm-someone-must.jpg
I mean I couldnt tell you the number of warlocks I have also seen calling for nerfs.
IMO, the coolest actual Tmog released with the MT. So is your response now ironic too?
Seems it’s mostly all warlocks and druids calling for nerfs right now.
Yet, you probably used the absolute corruption bug and it doesn’t bother you right?
The fact that you killed him means it is possible and not overtuned, it is intended to be Hard, I don’t play druid specially Guardián, it took me 109 tries to memorize and learn from my mistakes so if you are at 600+ it means you are doing something wrong and haven’t notice
That’s not how that works. People can complete it due to a myriad of reasons, old trink combos, drowning in pots and consumables, extraordinary effort…
Doesn’t mean the encounter isn’t overtuned. The only proof you need is watching comparison runs from Legion to now, we just don’t have the same tools to do the same things we did or the same powers that would give us that edge in DPS for the guardian fight (which is where 90% of the complaints are coming from).
Most of these were before any “guides” for the live version, just simply going off what I did in the PTR.
-Big batch was done without consumables and SL pvp gear, pre 1st “nerf”
-A big number of these can also be attributed to testing things. Such as different trinkets, mods, and refining macros.
-A batch has been done with dauntless gear
-A batch has been done with Legion gear
-A batch has been done with mixed gear slots, SL and legion
-A batch all of all of the above with consumables to find what worked best with what I had.
-A batch has been done with mixed TW gear.
-Most recently, full timewalking set, gems, trinkets, consumables.
Progress was made at each stage.
An uninformed opinion on your part. I may have complaints, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing or haven’t had effort. An assumption nonetheless. Gratz on your form, and have a good night.
And back in Legión there were hundreds of forums complains about how difficult the MT Was, even People with doble legendary and gear from Argus were crying about it lol
Because it is, but at that time, those weren’t as legitimate complaints are they are now.
We do not have the same tools we did then, the same tools the challenges were built around, we don’t have the same amount of time, and we’ve seen them shadow buff the encounters, complaints of MT 2.0 being over tuned are not unfounded.