Nerf evokers this isn’t funny

Blizzard please take a look at evokers in pvp. They shouldn’t be invincible to where five people can’t kill one or they get to half health then fully heal to max and laugh of any dots or anything. It wasn’t fair when dk was like that it wasn’t fair when dh was like that. Make it fair I don’t mind losing but this is ridiculous.

Well I mean you are level 23, be pretty hard to kill a 60


Haha that is funny but what I said is true

There must be some crazy hidden Evoker abilities I’m not aware of… Git gud OP.


Hello, I see you posted a thread about weird dragon people. The balancing right now is for level 70! Literally nothing going on currently matters, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


have you tried the age old trick of “git gud”? I hear it can let you overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

but for real, it’s prepatch, between missing 10 talent points and still having covenants balance is wonky.


They’re the new new what you expect? You will need to wait until next expansion for Blizzard to slap them with a nerf bat.

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have you tried keeping your health bar above zero and lowering their health bar to zero? This strategy is very effective I heard.


And now it’s not fair when Evokers are like this.

I’d say things are going as planned, lol.

Blizz’s invaluable advice. :dracthyr_nod:


Im really confused.

OP you’re saying Evokers are crazy good, but then I see posts here and on Reddit saying they’re literally the worst thing in the game right now for PVP.

Which is it?


They’re still new. Just like people learned how to counter DKs and DHs, it will happen in time.


Roll one, learn how to play it; then you’ll know how to counter it.


Found all the op Evoker players

I do that with my Worgen Priest.

Man, I’ve been hearing some crazy swings on Evoker pvp. One day they getting shot down like clay pigeons, the next they’re invincible juggernauts. As someone who doesn’t pvp, it sounds like a crazy place.


Its very much gear based atm some evokers have alot of pvp gear and roll through people who dont have equivalent gear.


If gear makes that big a difference in pvp, how is it any fun? Shouldn’t the fun come from outplaying other real people, not just out gearing them?

As others have mentioned, it doesnt really have to balance at 60. However, my sympathy to anyone trying to do Korrak.

Welcome to SL PvP. The difference between a fresh character and a ranked (even a mediocre M+er entering a bg) is like a max character running through Westfall.

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Gear disparity is much less in dragonflight be we are still using SL pvp gear atm

Sucks, but using your kit to answer theirs is normal. Look at what your class has, acknowledge that Evokers do their best to operate at 25 yards and have to plant their feet while casting their ‘empowered/charging’ abilities as well as their best single target resource spender (unless they burn a dash/move speed CD and it is during said ability).

IIRC baseline in a 1v1 situation they have 1 dash that has run speed afterward, a knock up and a knock back. In a group situation they can use their one heal to dash to a friendly every like 12 ish seconds though and become a complete pain to catch because of it

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