elementals or the spec elemental?

Well guess what elemental shaman is getting nerfed damage tomorrow so I guess it’s time to retire my favorite class and play a boring melee spec.

Read the post again it is actually a DPS boost by 10%. Lava Burst damage from the the Amirdrassil 4-piece set bonus is now reduced by 40% in PvP combat (was 50%).

Oh I see now, not the end of my class yet. The video that I was watching had different wording then the actual post.

They changed it to be a 10% nerf in the updated hotfix notes, but the dmg 4pc does is irrelevant to the spec.

Where’s that coming from? Below is copied directly from the blue-post:

That was from wow head said for tomorrow

Bad reasoning.

Just because ele gets run over by BM & DH does not just mean that it isn’t an insane spec. It’s not evne like it has to roll the lottery to win right now.


I cannot believe they buffed WW monks

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Nope, it’s not. Try to avoid engaging in hyperbole like the poster I quoted.

The fact you’re even trying to argue it when everyone in the world disagrees with you is kinda weird.

Talking from experience.

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The numbers don’t bear you out. Facts are stubborn things.

I love the way this forum uses “facts”


Rep is essentially meaningless tho

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He mains survival lmfao he bought the conquest weapon for it
funny people don’t even check before tossing shade

I’m gonna assume you are being sarcastic.

I got it from my first vault lol

Not at all

Rep is only worth utilizing for massive outliers and even then it doesn’t paint the best picture

Ret in s1 and DH this season are examples where their sizable rep on the ladder could partly be attributed to their very obvious power, but ret/DH are historically popular specs that are always in the top 50% in rep, most of the time top 25%-30%

If we look at top 5000 in SS across NA/EU, ele is the third most played caster which puts it top 12 overall

They move down in 2200+ to 13 but then move up again in 2400+ to top 8

They are top 9 in 3v3 via global top 5000 numbers but then drop to top 17 in 2200+

So, with that being said, you tell me what you think these numbers mean?


That’s exactly what you’re doing anytime you try to bring rep into the conversation. Honestly with how long you’ve been posting on these forums you should know by now that rep is a near meaningless metric to ever bring up. Especially when you don’t actually understand the factors that go into it.

Like when someone calls something S++++++ tier like the guy I responded to? Yeah, I know.