Nerf ele shamans

Ignore pain breaks from one lava burst, nice try

Denum hunter bros :pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:

Casting healing surge can be interrupted and heals for as much as ignore pain preventsā€¦ Nice try though.

Throwing the game. :dracthyr_love_animated:


You are WRONG. Shamans toolkit literally counters melee hard. Ghost wolf dmg reduct+ heal, grounding for escape and earthgrab as well. Tremor and stoneskin are powerful cooldowns that dont give you a dmg delt reduction while under it and static field you can drag people FARTHER away from you or to drag people out or behind of pillars

Skill issue

You actually have no idea what you are talking about. Shamans are built to counter casters and get countered by melee.

Canā€™t do damage during GW so canā€™t counter pressure, delaying the inevitable. See ignore pain and Impending Victory which allows you to instant cast and apply pressure at the same time.

Stoneskin is absolutely garbage no one runs it. It only effects physical damage which basically only effects war and ENH. Tremor is only good against 3 classes so against the other 9?!?! Useless. Meanwhile Parry exists.

You have spear that requires a DCD to be used while SFT can be killed with 1 global. Try killing the totem.



What Planet are you from :joy:

You know what a Defensive is right?
Ele has exactly ONE(!) Deff (40%) and itā€™s on 2 min. CD (1 1/2 Minute with Talent).
After that we have NOTHING.

Stoneskin gives 10% against physical dmg (also almost no one skills it).

The rest you name is Utility and not Deff. Or shall i start count Warri Leap as Deff too??

And the Heal is a bad joke for Eles, its not even worth the GCD let alone the cast time. Thats why no Ele skills any heal talents, because we just never heal in Arena. Healing as Hybrid Class is the most stupid and timewasting thing you can do in times of Dampening and every Melee having MS.

Thats also why you donā€™t see ANY Hybrid DD Comp in 2s because the whole logic behind Hybrids is that they have no deff ā€œBeCaUsE tHeY hAvE hEaLā€, but heal is the worst deff of them all right now. Even Warris have more Heal after a match than me with my crappy double Earthshield.

I would gladly give away ALL my useless heal for a decent Deff.

So stop say that Ele has a lot of Deff. You only show that you have absolutely no idea about the class and have never played a hybrid and certainly not Ele.

Also i doubt you have ever seen 60k dps on the rating you play.
You just copy/paste what others write in this forum.


Yeah it definitely does sound like a skill issue if you as a warrior canā€™t kill a shaman.

Pressing ignore pain takes a lot of skill apparentlyā€¦ :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

I like how you just named 3 pvp talkents although we have just one free slot beside "Control of Lava"and ā€œSkyfury Totemā€.
But yeah, go on proving that you donā€™t have a clue about the specc either, like the other dude.

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inb4 the ele stans come in making excusā€“

oh, already happened

I play ENH and resto not ELE.

the casters not casting definitely seems like a huge problem ā€¦ but i think in this particular case BOTs seems to be a bigger problem =S

Both are true. Yet casters canā€™t cast while melee have 100% uptime.

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Thankfully they often donā€™t need to.

bro, let the thread rot in peace instead of bumping it :wink:

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The ones that do, arenā€™t viable. See AFF lock for instance.

To make casters cast again they need to nerf melee uptime across the board, which they should do. And I play melee.

Bro you just named an anti fear totem and a kiting tool . Arms is my highest xp and youā€™re being so unfair here lol

Ignore Pain
Zerker rage
Piercing howling
Impending victory
Intervene to healer to kite

Ignore pain alone is one of the better defensives in the game for what it costs and its cd. Relatively big absorb AND it gives you overpower procs. Its one of the most overloaded buttons in the game


Like 1/8th of a priest bubble

All you need to know:

More like ā€œnerf Assa/Warriā€


Please censor this vile word for future use and please stop spreading anti melee propaganda. Everyone already sees through it.

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