I’ve had these thoughts for a long time, but a video upload by a popular streamer confirmed my thoughts and overall feelings in the levelling / new player aspect.
I think BFA is the worst expansion to start new players. The intro quests are dull exposition where you are playing more of a novel than an Action RPG.
Cataclysm is a MUCH better starting expansion.
Following from that, quests need xp buffs below 60. Dungeons need XP nerfs.
More players in the world questing makes the game feel more vibrant and alive. Maybe remove the shared XP for players grouped up below 60. Maybe more players in group doing world content = even more xp ?
Dungeons should be about gear instead.
Buff quests and more incentives for questing in groups
Then with sharding and WM you missed the mark. Buff quests if you want sure but then you run into the following problem. You already out level the leveling expansion story and are off to DF so you buff that even more and you exacerbate that problem even more. As for Cata being the starting point no matter what side horde/alliance you are on that makes even less sense.
Not sure how that’s an argument when dungeon spams are worse. You get zero story.
Dungeons have no social aspect. In fact the amount of people i see getting vote to kicked for no legitimate reason is A LOT.
Because new players don’t get a chance to learn, they get kicked from group. That is a quit moment.
Because its just repetitive dungeon grinds, new players get bored and quit
I had 6 friends sign up to play WoW and all quit within 20 levels. One quit because the Kul Tiran quests were confusing to navigate the city.
One quit because he thought the game was dead because there was nobody in the world.
And the other quit because it was the same 3 dungeons over and over. Chromie Time wasnt available for new accounts. And if you accepted the quest after tutorial island, you were stuck finishing that quest chain.
The intro quests and levelling experience to Legion, BFA and Shadowlands are dull and boring af.
BFA no longer makes sense either.
But at least Cataclysm is the intro to the current and reformed Azeroth.