Nerf dk they said

Ret provides team utility in the form of buffs and CC removal. DKs do not have any such thing like that. Ret is squishier because they are a pseudo support class. DK only has DPS in PvP and nerfing DS healing makes us impotent against physical damage currently. There is no option for counterplay, you either kite or you WILL die vs every other melee in game.


DK has lichborne, IBF, AMS,AMZ 40 yard range grip that can be specced to 2 charges(insane by the way, sleeper op guarantee) 5s aoe-cone blind on 1m cd, 5s stun on 45s cd, 4s blanket silence on 1 min cd and off gcd. and another aoe 3s stun thats a 50k nuke if you spec for it(frostwyrm)

You donā€™t provide tons of team utility the way pallies do because you have shi- tons of personal utility

warriors get storm boltā€¦



Bad take

Some dps legitimately should have healing as they always had

Thatā€™s just cooking me

I canā€™t wait for the rage whispers on solo shuffle when I solely que it as fistweaving mw. ā€œGet out of the middle!ā€ ā€œHeal me!ā€ ā€œAre you throwing?ā€

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Kiting physical dps until IBF or Stun go is off CD is super fun and fits the Plate Juggernaut theme of DK really wellā€¦ :thinking: Nah.

DK did need tuning but my lord. WTF



Deathknight. The selfish class with low team support but high self sustain

People are missing the point. They nerfed an active ability instead of addressing the passives.


Shouldnā€™t be high self sustain for merely existing. Should have to use cds to keep themselves up.

Should nerf both as I said above

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Yeah yeah we get it.

Making deathstrike heal less than a crusader proc is bad game design regardless of what your opinion of how dk plays is


What is a crusader proc


Think you know Iā€™m big anti dk doompost

This deathstrike change is downright developer incompetence

They nerfed the need brain part (incoming damage) and not the min healing (for spamming it) and left SPELLWARDEN in the game


I never said the devs were competent

did you purposefully leave out the rest of warriors utility and defensive kit, and overloaded mobility?


True, you do get to choose between intervene and rallying cry.

but thatā€™s about it? what else?

ah yes fear on a 1m30s cd

that rogue healing is questionable

what tom foolery are they up to this time and why do i suspect it to be recuperate

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Those are mostly talentsā€¦ you canā€™t take them allā€¦

So I decided to try out warrior for the first timeā€¦

that dk had the same gear as me btw.

and yes, I absolutely farmed that dk


DK is in a great spot. Now they just need to fix Rogue/DH the way they fixed DK.

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Ideas to fix dk:

  1. Bring back legion frost dk
  2. Give frost dk slaughterhouse
  3. Bring back death siphon and conversion
  4. Nerf warriors hard af

this was when deathstrike cost runes wouldnā€™t be the same now

Fury is a 2 button auto attacking spec. Itā€™s the blood thirst build that really broken. All they do is spam bloodthirst with rampage and spam heal over and over while applying a 40%ms.

DKā€™s already sucked into fury now fury will destroy them even harder. Kinda lame how Abomb limb got gutted, might as well gut spear for warriors too.

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