Nerf dispersion

This ability is more broken than any dot in the game. And regain mana back? What is this bs… If they didnt have it, other classes might be able to stand a chance vs priests


It should just be deleted.

why is dispersion so bad when ret paladins can 100-0 you while all being immune inside a bubble?


5min CD with an obvious visual. Ret barely has any mobility outside of PoJ. It’s easy to play around, yet zugheads will attack a bubbled paladin then act surprised when it doesn’t work.

I’m not even of the opinion that Dispersion itself is bad.

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Hunters/warriors: “wait, yall get damage immunity/self heal/damage mitigation?”

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I don’t care about your mini-game pvp, but don’t touch my only defensive cooldown and mana regen button, I use it full time in all pve activities.

Plus… why would you want to nerf it? Paladins had bubbles for 20 years. Make it dispellable for all I care.

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Eh, I’m fine with it outside of one thing… Being able to use it while mounted and stay on the mount is a little silly to me.

dispersion/dots on a spriest is the least of my problems rn in wpvp.

frenzied reg/WG (meld or warstomp) on a class that can starsurge (stun proc) into a 2.8k starfire is way worse than dispersion.

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This. All day long.

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You gotta be kidding me, your class counter pretty much a spriest can throw at you and yet you cry for a 6 sec dispersion? have you tried to do the following when a spriest is on dispersion:

A) Cleanse yourself
B) Heal yourself
C) Use grounding
D) Use r1 earth shock

id be ok with you if you were crying over other classes stomping you but spriest? honestly, skill issue here

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Dispersion doesn’t need to be nerfed. At most they should stop it from being used while mounted.

Stop being a jealous loser in a video game lmao.

yup, it would still be a Godly ability with 0 mana return, lol

ok nightborne mage :expressionless:

if a paladin is 100-0ing you in 10 seconds… you’re not that good :expressionless:

I don’t get how they got Dispersion but Rogues didn’t get Cloak yet lol. That’s my only confusion. Otherwise I can see why Spriests need it.

They aren’t gonna be slapping at 60 when melee starts getting crazy af weapons, people are just trippin right now because it’s in the moment.

I think the guy who created the dispersion rune is the same guy who made Thermaplugg pop 5 seconds after downing the prior boss.

Just sitting back in his chair thinking up all sorts of dastardly deeds that no one asked for.

I think this is real. I think they really have a person on the team who just sits there and thinks of downsides and friction to implement to everything.

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Lol that’s my head cannon. Some dude looking like Dr. Evil spouting out non-sense like “why are paladins the only one with a bubble?”

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Ok night elf warrior :expressionless:

It’s the same dispersion that priests get in wrath.

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