Nerf disc priests in pvp

Yeah, that’s not it. Try again.

He should ask for chocolate chip cookies instead.

Probably more fulfilling.

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Yep, I sure am. Because they deserve them. It’s your turn. NERF DISC PRIEST IN PVP>

ahh yeah!! i like to bub and pain sup while running at hunters. i can actually feel the sads!! its a good feeling

Please do not try to distract me with cookies especially chocolate chip ones when I’m trying to get attention to get a class nerfed. Thanks for the bump. And yes, it would be more fulfilling but hey, it is a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
Nobody ever wants to say nerf a healer because they want the healers to OP so they can keep them up of course. But, DISCS are a to OP right now in PVP and they need a nerf.

I’m sure blizzard collects data while we play. they’re probably aware of which classes are over and under performing, and they’ll probably address it at some point in the future m8.

Even if they don’t choose to share their plans with us.

They’ve got top men on the case, Humble…

Top Men.

Take a break from gaming… Too much is bad 4 u.

Ok, I agree with you all. Disc priests need a nerf in PVP. Take it easy.

bubbles and hits pain sup
sticks and stones may break my bones but hunters suck and cant do any damage to me

Pride comes before the fall. You should know that as a priest.

Why would priests know that over hunters that have a robust history of early expac nerfs deleting them from viability for the rest of the expansion?

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well now i want cookies

oh i see he has his hidden when i tried to check pvp him lol

yeah i was just clicking into the account right on here. was looking at check pvp earlier today and it didnt show most of my characters. i guess bc it wasnt a thing when i was playing most of them in mop

Sometimes I see a binding shot on me and just run right out of it on purpose. Add to my DR, see if I care, I pre-shielded.

They did nerf them already - and they won’t nerf them again because Disc is where they want the other Healers. Buckle up. Healer stonks is rising.

I was just in a BG and there was a disc priest healing another disc priest and a unholy dk was there peeling and dealing for them. It was a total nightmare. I killed all 3 of them though because i was on my hunter. Taught them a lesson for trying to play easy mode fotm.

So… the Hunter is easy mode confirmed.

Yeah man, CLEARLY you and 98% of the other DPS are just bad at the game…

Healer players are all ultra well skilled players that clearly know how to play the game at top tier levels!

Can’t kill them? You’re just bad, m’kay?

Want to kill a healer? Just have twice the skill, twice the players, have required addons to not overlap CC DRs, ALWAYS land your interrupt on the 1 cast that a healer might occasionally use while hoping the other DPS doesn’t give them precog when you both use it at the same time… and pray to god none of their allies come to peel for them while you set-up near perfect CC coordination with a rando w/o comms! All to POTENTIALLY kill a single player who provides more value than multiple DPS players combined! It’s that easy!

All of that fails? Well then just CC them! Duh! You’re not ‘supposed’ to kill them!

Healers are in the strongest state they’ve ever been in (and they were still extremely useful even when 90% of their spells were actual stand-still-casts and interrupts were 5 seconds long with 10 second CDs), but yeah, must just be the DPS…

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its the reward given for having to suffer through terrible players in dungeons and raids that cant be bothered to avoid taking any damage from literally the easiests mechanics. If they nerf disc priests or healers in general you will never complete any content because youll just die immediately