Nerf disc priests in pvp

Lol. I got a good chuckle from it :stuck_out_tongue:

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same story. different day.

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laughs out loud in disc priest and then points at Prevokers


if only hunters had a specific special attack that could do things like dispel stuffs.

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let us pvp check you guaranteed you haven’t got past 1200 in a solo shuffle at that to be complaing about disc priests when pres vokers , hpal , mw monks , restro shammies exist ppl sleep on the last 3 tbh they can do some numbers .


You can only attack me, you cannot debate the FACT that DISC PRIESTS ARE OP IN PVP. GO AHEAD AND SAY WHAT YOU WANT ABOUT ME. I dont care. What I say about the DISCs in PVP is TRUE. THEY OP!

we <3 our fans.

you should write a song
that kind of pain need to captured and shared with the world. like taylor swift.

this is how this happened
Humble: targets priest and presses aimed shot
disc priest: hits pain sup because he knows whats coming next
humble: rapid fire
disc priest: laughs demonically
humble: the forums need to read about this!!!

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You forgot holy priest :confused:

holy priests are like bumble bees
leave them alone they dont bother no one

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I wouldn’t worry about my telling the truth in here about your class. Blizzard jumps whenever one of your more skilled players dies to easily and buffs the crap out of you. But still, DISCS ARE OP AND NEED A NERF.
Also, Thank you for all the bumps that you all are giving me :slight_smile:

has nothin but 1500 rbg on here. isnt this the full account achievements?

skill issue

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you forgot the part where the priest runs AT the hunter to fearbomb which confuses and saddens the hunter.
then forums while feelings are still fresh.


 but that legitimately might not be the player’s fault. : /

I watch team mates in shuffle take a dive at some point in 99.99% of each series.

Furthermore why would anyone care again?

ive been playing it a lot lately and its becoming a problem. about to finally be back home (have been traveling since the season started) to start pushing rating and im not practicing the right spec

me? ive hit 1800

No the OP. his account has zero arena achievements.

was under the impression that the lookup on here showed the full account

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because hes asking for class nerfs