Nerf dev evoker

Idc what yall evoker mains say yall are broken and def need another nerf i wouldn’t be going to far saying yall need like a flat 10% damage nerf across the board.


I heard they are really strong in PVP, but I don’t PVP myself. Is it PVP you’re wanting to see them nerfed or on PVE?

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It’s because dev is a glass cannon with minimal range, low self-heals, and simple defensives. You’d be singing a different tune if you tried it out yourself.

Of course, no player is going to say my class is too strong, pls nerf, but it really does feel like dev is in a good spot atm, but not a GREAT spot.

I, too, assume this is PvP related.


As long as they nerf all the other Stier classes with it… Mages warriors dks etc.

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They have less defensive than any hunter, normally you can tunneling them down


Give me vanish and ill accept the nerf


In pvp it needs a change dev is untouchable. You literally spam one button that is massive damage and a 90% snare. With hover your untouchable. Then when they finally get to you, you can reset your hover charges with deep breath. Oh and a talent that makes you immune to CC. Absolutely busted class for pvp and absolutely the easiest class to play in the game.


Easiest class in the game. Pfft, this from a demon hunter.


Ooooh. A caster who can make a melee mad. How refreshing.


Back in the old days only Frost mages could do that, or Warlocks when they could abuse the Z-Axis with circle before melee got all the leaps/dashes/grips.

But it is neat fighting warriors now and actually having the means to kite them because 5 hover charges and a deep breath > 2 charges and a leap.


None of you were here supporting dev buffs in PVP when it was bad.

Stop crying and learn to play.


Dev is working as intended after spending a whole expansion being kind of a wimpy caster.


I dont think flat 10 percent nerfs are a good idea, blizz does that to much as it is and it throws things out of whack.

More delicate tuning is required

To be fair, when they slapped us with a 20% buff to Disintegrate in PvP back in S2, it was like, “Uh oh, time to go become a problem!” Because disintegrate was already a lot of our damage, it became pretty bonkers to the state we’re in now. So cutting disintegrate’s PvP number back just a little is to make up for the persistent buffs we’ve been getting. It still does a lot of damage.

If having hover on 100% up time in pvp and a 90% snar on a class that cant be snared or rooted cuz they have a ability thats bugged on deep breath they get both hover procs reset then thats a broken class and you might as call it world of evokers cuz they are way to over tuned with op abilities that most classes cant counter.

  • Hover isn’t 100% uptime. High, but not 100%.
  • Disintegrate is a 50% snare baseline, and the honor talent to make it ramp to 80% (not 90%) is almost never taken because there’s better alternatives.
  • Hover doesn’t prevent roots. Evoker is countered pretty hard by roots because they disable displacement abilities like Rescue or Verdant Embrace.
  • Hover reset being “bugged” is conjecture.
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evoker literaly did suck a whole expac and was the flagship of that expac to add salt in the wounds

no i think they not really need further nerf the class work as intended


yeah sure who come from a dh that was S tier in PvP for 4 whole expac


yeah my lvl 10 demon hunter sure does pump away

not specificaly you but DH that was literaly raid boss, they’re was unkillable and dodge most of your attack

if they nerf MM hunt, unholy dk the pvp will be in a much better state that not normal a hunt can tank and have more survivability then a war

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