Nerf BeastMaster hunters

Just because one spec is in a bad spot (shadow priest) doesn’t mean we should nerf another other specs that are doing well (beast master)…


You’re trying to hard Vanillanoob

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Shadowpriests cant heal and why would a shadowpriests go heal if he doesnt want to heal? what?

You can and warlocks are okay topping the dps because they can cast and not move.

I didnt say nerf hunters. I said nerf beastmaster hunters

Warlock isn’t topping dps they are they worst class in mythic +

raiding-wise however they are though which is all that matters :smiley:

There, fixed it.

oh give me a break, demon hunters are like 70% of his dmg is pure infinite stars, its phatetic.
Bm hunter in the other hand, is so dumb how proficient they are in mythic.

i named 1 spec for an example.

Ofcourse there’s other specs.

ele shamans
as a reference cite:

Any range below BM i that list either single target or AOE fights are classes than can’t move while casting but a BM hunter can move and cast and still out dps them.

We aren’t casters, champ.

Also, just because you get beat by a class doesn’t mean it needs to be nerfed.


You are range how ever champ.

I’d also like to point out in your “I’m jealous” thread post, Hunters have one specc that honestly viable in pve raid and mythic content and that is BM atm, why would you want the only competitive specc we have nerfed lol… and then completely ignore the over powered Demon hunter. What you should be asking for is more mobility for other classes because some like balance druids are pretty gimped this expansion because they arent very mobile unless you stack a ton of corruption haste. Hence you rarely see one in raids and mythics and when you do they barely hit top charts cause they lack mobility… as for DKs stack TD and top the charts.


I do not have a thread about “im jealous”

That’s because BM can move and casts while MM can’t and survival is melee.
Nerfing BM means MM can compete.

Karen’s cant be reasoned with. What are you doing?



Everyone gets their turn on top eventually. It’s BMs turn.

Their mobility is irrelevant. Any one can play any class they like. If you’re bitter cause your class doesn’t have certain advantages, stop crying about it and play a new class.

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im new to the Karen lingo, whats a karen.

You sir, are incredibly correct.

in what world would nerfing the only viable specc of a class make another specc better? you are still going to have to move constantly in mythics and raids and if your main damage from MM is from standing still you are gonna have 3 gimped speccs not a viable one…

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From Wikipedia:

" Karen is a pejorative term used in the United States and other English-speaking countries for a woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others."

Though it really doesn’t just apply to women (or white women)… as in this case.

Ah so a democrat gotcha.


All this talk about bm hunter when fire mage exists in it’s current form is hilarious.