Nerf Battleshout Spam

And here’s a guide for Twin Emps that calls for spamming Battle Shout. June of 2006.

Except it’s not a bug or an exploit, it’s working as intended.

It’s just someone wanting things changed because personal preferences.


Yep, it’s mentioned but only in passing as one ability, and it looks like the idea is to help hold boss B while you’re sundering boss A (not familiar with that fight, we only got as far as BWL).

Meanwhile, that very same guide mentions what seems like the exact scenario where Battle Shout spam would rule the roost, and doesn’t call for using it:

“There are 3 entry points for bugs to massively zerg the raid; place one tank at each exit, their main job is to keep every single bug that comes out of those holes to go straight on them, with a demo shout, if you don�t have enough tanks for this you can use a paladin or a druid.”

Sounds like the exact same scenario as Nef’s adds, but the guide doesn’t call for a warrior to stand in the middle of the room spamming Battle Shout with a group stacked with pet classes. Why not? Wouldn’t it have worked?

Maybe, probably. I don’t even understand the purpose of this thread; Blizzard isn’t balancing Classic and removing mechanics. This thread has as much purpose as an additional Guild Bank thread would have.

Well, you have bosses like Vek’lor who is 100% immune to physical damage.

He can be tanked by spamming non-physical damage threat building abilities. Bloodrage, Demo Shout, Battle Shout, Shield Block etc

OK, so you are not saying that everybody knew how OP it was.

Other than that, the whole “Blizz is not going to listen to any arguments to make Classic better” point that you like to make, is an argument I have no interest in engaging in.

I was once like you, full of hope and dreams for a “better” Classic experience. This isn’t going to happen; better is subjective and you’re ignoring Blizzard’s words completely.

Keep posting about “fixing” all of Classic’s “issues” (mechanics) all you want. It’s rather futile and best served for a Classic+ proposition.

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It’s more to point out that Blizzard has said in clear terms that they will not be doing class balance changes in Classic.

Which makes this entire discussion academic. If there is a braindead easy way to AoE zerg dungeons, they wont be nerfing it no matter how much you don’t like it.

The official response is already “no”.

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As I told all the “No-changers” in the past, once it was made absolutely clear that Blizzard wasn’t going to implement any of the few changes I wanted, I would stop asking for them.

I actually thought most people would do the same. :man_shrugging:

But they also said they would do Blizzard polish, including bug+exploit fixes.

The thing is there really isn’t a way to distinguish between when a move is just strong and when its an exploit.

Even being overpowered is not an exploit nor a bug, though.

I didn’t know that it gave threat and I am sure most didn’t if it existed.

Unless it’s specifically considered an exploit (which in this case it isn’t).

Sure there is. Because as of the Molten Core bypass exploit, Blizzard said they’d always announce when things are an exploit.

Only if they nerf Psychic Scream. If I can’t shout, they can’t scream.

I’m gonna laugh when people metagame threatgen with battleshout to get around the 10% more avoidance bosses have.

Those abilities should only work outside.

Otherwise you need to use your indoor voice.

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There’s just one more thing Knight-Lieutenant!

Tell that to Lord Kazzak!

I know this is a few months old but since it’s a more appropriate thread to ask in than the other one where I was discussing it, I’m curious about whether or not Battle Shout threat actually split in the way some people describe in this thread in actual vanilla (and according to some warriors who tested it in classic, how it’s still working in classic).

In some reddit threads I see the entire reason Battle Shout was “overpowered” threat wise in actual vanilla (not talking about pservers) until it was nerfed in 2.0.1 was that it wasn’t splitting its threat between all of the enemies like a normal buff and was doing that full threat amount IE: 55/70x5 party members to every single enemy rather than splitting that threat between all the enemies.

It seems like in order for it to hold aggro on adds on certain fights referenced it would have to NOT be splitting because it’d only be doing like 45 threat or less per cast if there were 10+ adds and you were hitting 5 party members.

It also would not have needed to be nerfed in 2.0.1 as you can see in 2.0.1 patch notes if it was splitting as normal.

So basically, is Battle Shout after the hotfix ( now working the way it did in real vanilla, or is Blizzard gaslighting people because they don’t want to acknowledge how broken it was in actual 1.12 and restore it to THAT version?

Even with it unnerfed warriors suck with aoe threat