Nerf all pvp damage by 50%, will fix 90% of the issues right now

Not true 2 or 300 extra stamina makes no difference when you already have 3k it just doesn’t scale enough at all. I’m actually having way better success going glass cannon Ret right now

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They need to reduce crit dmg in pvp,game has so much potential. Add resilience and nerf crit damage in pvp.

They already had a blanket 20% damage debuff aura in WSG in P1. It was awful. It skews the game completely in favor of healing. It also unfairly double-dip nerfs rage generation. Larger health pools are a much better solution for keeping the overall balance of the game intact, and they’re already incorporating this.

ya Bgs are a mess i thought mages hitting 2ks every few mins was bad. nah literally every class is a cannon rn especially rogues and hunters this is ridiculous. no wonder SoD loss 50% of its playerbase this week lol

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I’d probably quit if they did that. It would make the time to kill insane and warlocks and healers would be immortal. They mainly need to just tone down some of the more OP stuff.

Yeah no thanks. You can’t just swing from one extreme to the next. Healers will make everyone unkillable and it’ll be boring. As it stands we already have 90% dispersion 40% pain suppression and you want to add more? This made WSG feel TERRIBLE to play. Hard pass.

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25-40 takes significantly longer to level through than 1-25. Those census reports are based on active raiders. People not being 40 means they’re not raiding. Let’s not draw conclusions too hastily. See how things are in another week.


SoD community is exhausting. Literally any comment on the current state of SoD to try to make it actually fun to play instead of the steaming pile of burning trash it currently is is automatically met by “You can just go to retail if you want X”

are you really that dumb? You want fights to end in 2 abilties? This is fun for you? Dying in literally 2 seconds.

No outplay potential. No clever usage of utility spells. Just whoever gets their global off first nukes 60-80% of a players healthbar, usually with an instant cast ability.

SOD in the current state is the most dogwater PvP i have ever experienced in a game. Every class is overpowered except for warlocks. Something needs to change across the board.

If you like instantly killing poeple just go play call of duty bro. Go click some heads there. We play tab target MMOS because we have a big range of abilities that makes fight interesting and lets you outplay people through how you utilize your CD’s

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that’s true but i really do not believe raid logs will increase, even in 4-6 weeks from now. they will likely go up 1-2k or so but not 10k+ like they should. i was not just going off raid logs, but my bnet friends list. p1 launch i had 70+ friends actively playing 7 days a week for the brunt of p1. the last 2 weeks is when i would only see 20-30 on actively playing and maybe 10 or 15 quit completely. p2 launched i had that same 70+ playing minus a few. this past week i have 10 actively playing and have personally message a lot of them and theyre all saying the same thing. “its bad” as they’re all on wrath and retail again

If every class is overpowered, nobody is overpowered.

Not correct. Because we still have a healthpool. Every class is overpowered. If they were balanced then fights would not be over in 2 seconds and usually decided by whoever gets the first global of.

Making everyone overpowered is not the same as balance. This is toddler level difficulty of logic my guy. First time ever playing a video game?

Cooking huh? They had this, it was called phase 1, and it was whichever team had two healing priests won.

No shot you thought this post through before you hit send.

If you can’t comprehend what I just wrote then discussing further with you is definitely pointless. Enjoy your ignorance.

Ew. This is quite possibly the worst take I’ve ever seen mentioned.

No. Coming from a kid with a bubble to boot.

Tell me you never did any serious pvp in vanilla without telling me


need more hunter nerfs. :yawning_face:

Damage is way too high. The pacing of pvp is off. Classic is about game knowledge and decision making. Not one shotting


Yeah… Burst damage right now is at or even above what it is after everyone is in full Naxxramas bis…

I’ve personally 100-0 globaled a number of people pvping today, and only twice did I have beserker buff to do it. Hell, one of the times, the guy was full health with a fresh PW:S on himself too (thought it was a warrior, so possibly zerker stance).

Even in Full T3 with saph trinket and nelth tear I wasn’t blasting that hard, or that consistently.


Exactly. Pvp breaks when Nax comes around. It is always the true end of decent pvp in era.

We are there, already, at level 40

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