Nerash/A Guild Has no Name

Just warning everyone what a rotten person Nerash from A Guild Has no Name is… ran SM GY and was running SM Lib when after multipe wipes I’m suddenly removed from the group without a word. I whispered why was I removed and he tells me cuz his brother came on. Total BS!!! I kept with the group after multiple wipes and when one group member left, he invited a new person and then kicked me for his brother.

People like this are what ruin the game for others. I was in the group for over an hour and at least 3 wipes but then suddenly kicked for no reason. He could’ve at least explained his brother was on and he wanted him to join so I didn’t get booted back to SW and could’ve exited to at least log at SM. Now I’ll have to make the run all the way back if I can find another group.

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