Neltharus is a joke

Attempted roughly 15 m0 neltharus runs, and 3-4 key runs.
Not a single one has gone past the second boss.
We took 10 minutes, did a detailed diagram of an explanation in 2 of the runs, and yet pugs still have absolutely no idea how to do the mechanic.
Either tank dies, healer dies, or dps don’t break chains and we wipe.

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Even doing that boss right, his damage seems way higher than literally every other boss


His health is also 10 million higher than most of the other bosses.
He feels like a mini raid boss almost…

HoI frost witch would like a word with you.

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Boss is very easy.
I straight up refuse to do neltharus until he gets nerfed.
I’m so done with pugs in that place.


You havent done it on a key yet and its on tyranical week. Try again


I mean all of hers is super avoidable, and even us getting hit by stuff felt like less damage than spear guys unavoidable stuff

My main has done it 3 times on a key.
My holy priest has done it on a key.
Very easy.


Her aura is not avoidable. Had a healer pump almost 280k worth of healing and it barely kept us alive on a +6

MKay, that’s a 6 and we’re like 500ilvl atm where the keys are scaled for 525-530.
It will be cake once we get geared.
In s2 I did her on a 22 and kept us alive quite well.
She’s not as hard as people make her out to be.

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I ain’t running any m+ till mid season when I get carry by guild and friend XD.

I carry enough people on all my tanks I think is only fair I get carry this time around. All I want is the KSH title and the mount and that’s it…

I’m just going off the keys I’ve done

We did HoI on a 4 and Nelth on a 2 and the entire group was like

“What the hell was that damage” after spear guy and we just kinda cruised past ice lady damage

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The boss mechanically is easy, the amount of unavoidable damage she does passively is not, there’s only so many CDs on such a short CD.

Yes, its the start of a season, its gonna be rough but 280k to barely keep up on a passive damage aura is kinda nuts.

Also havent really have had a probelm with the boss you’ve mentioned. The chain needs to be staggered or it stacks and will kill you.

i dont know what it is but going from a 5 to a 6 is like a tank running you over lol. the switch to aspect crests is very noticable right now.

Chargath does bug out sometimes, maybe you caught it.
Did a 4 Nelt last night and it was spicy at times, but the lowest I dropped was maybe 40% health, and nobody died. We did 2 waves of the chains.

The second boss is a nightmare if you can’t handle the dot and impossible if your group doesn’t do chains right.

I do ask about the HP, is your teams popping CDs after the trip?

Everything in that dungeon has insanes amount of health, the djaradin race, even outdoors has more than any other mobs

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I Just timed a Nelth +6, so it’s possible.


Yes and pugs have no idea how to do the mechanic, captain Obvious.
Maybe if you’d read the original post you’d have a better understanding instead of spewing lousy information.

It is pugs, what do you think?

It is possible. With a group that actually has brains.

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Wouldn’t be the first time we had janky scaling to be fair

Could be, but I also feel like a boss who existed since the xpac came out should t still be bugged at this point